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Worship Song
Hi DAB Family
Absolutely loving this podcast. May God bless you for what you do. I recall listening to a podcast some time ago which ended with a worship song - could we possibly have this again - to end with a worship song. There was one song i think last year which is called Winter Song - i had never heard it until DAB and love it and have listened to it a thousand times over now.
With Blessings
Kaley 11/15/2011 16:13

Craig from Illinois 11/15/2011 17:37
Kaley... I totally agree that podcasts that end music is fantastic. Go to this thread to find other podcasts that had music included and the dates they were originally played. There have been some in 2011.

Perry 01/18/2012 16:40
I like it as well... if there's an awesome song that would accompany the reading of the Word for that day... it'd be so cool to include it as a tag... after the prayer requests. This also would help to remember that day's reading... This does take a bit of work though... but some days it's a "no-brainer" a song just comes to mind. For those who don't like it for whatever reason... (culturally, stylistically, genre)... they can choose to turn it off...
Just a thought...

Clinton Lindgren 06/21/2012 01:21
I always love the podcasts that end with a song as well, but I can tell you from experience that it takes a lot of work, and you have to know your music library very well to pull it off. A couple of years ago, I produced a radio show called "Bible Story Time" for Omni Media Networks, which featured dramatized bible stories, and I tried to include songs that went with the stories. I produced 75 weekly shows. Some stories were easy to find the right songs for, and some were quite a struggle. I had to use many different genres, and I'm sure you would be surprised at some of the songs that I included. For example, the first show of a two part series that tells the story of Joseph begins with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen singing "Brother for Sale". Although that song is not in a Christian music genre, it seemed like a good way to introduce the story.

Anyway, as you can see, it definitely takes a lot of work to find songs that complement each day's reading, but it can be a lot of fun as well. I find that music helps me remember what I have heard or read, so for people like me, having the right song at the end of the podcast is a great benefit.
