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Christian Band Suggestions?
I realize there are many generes in Christian music, are there any you could suggesin Hard Rock or Metal??? I would like to be able to get a few suggestions to replace bands such as Pantera, Metalica, etc... Thank you in advance, Dave Nolan

David Nolan 01/23/2012 19:59

Craig from Illinois 02/06/2012 18:31
Here's a resource to get you started...

Listener1 05/06/2012 08:36
For Pantera, I highly recommend The Crucified, particularly the album "Pillars of Humanity." It came out in early 90's, and was rereleased in 2009

Good Metal ala Metallica: Tourniquet, Believer are excellent. A more modern hardcore band I love is Sleeping Giant. I'll try and think of more later when I have some more time. God bless. Rich