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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
Scandalous Love
This series completely changed how i see God. Every so often i have to go back and re-listen or watch so i thought i would share.

Hope you all like it as much as i did.
wesrman 02/02/2012 14:21

wesrman 02/03/2012 10:17
The 7 part series was so well recieved that they decided to continue it.

Can't Stop The Love
Joyce 02/03/2012 13:40
Those are some of the best series I have ever listened to. I encourage everyone to have a listen. Wes Thanks for posting them.
wesrman 02/03/2012 14:41
Thanks Joyce. :)
Helga 02/18/2012 22:41
Agree with Joyce thanks Wes
wesrman 02/18/2012 22:42
Awesome Helga. Im glad people are watching these. Greg has an amazing take on things and has really worked through a lot of this stuff so genuinely. He really speaks to me.