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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
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Saint Grogan 02/17/2012 13:03
What are you afraid of Lanny?

Craig, I would like Essley to look up who William Barclay was and what he believed. Young Christians are very impressionable. Although there may not have been anything in Lanny's post that would indicate universalism, I wouldn't want Essey going to sources that teach heresy.
Lanny Carlson 02/17/2012 14:43

Thank you. I'm glad my comments gave you a starting point.

As for Grogan's posts,Craig is right.
Grogan and I do have some differences of opinion,
and Grogan does seem to try to discredit everything I write.
That attitude DOES NOT represent the general tone of DAB,
so don't let that discourage you from saying whatever is on your mind.

As for William Barclay,
he is one of the most respected and popular
Biblical scholar and writer
of the last century.
His "Daily Study Bible" series was and is a best seller and is available
at most Christian book outlets, including
Family Christian Bookstores
Parable Book Stores
all fairly conservative, orthodox outlets.

Again, I'm glad you're a part of this community,
and I look forward to your future posts.

Grace and Peace,
John T 02/17/2012 19:59
I'm really enjoying the reading this year, and find that the Old Testament is full of stories - stories of God's goodness through the generations, and also stories of God's Holiness. That Holiness is what makes the death penalty understandable. He is a perfect judge, and we rightfully deserve death through our sins, and then He gives grace. The stories in the Old Testament include stories of his judgment, such as the men burning the wrong incense and those touching the ark improperly, and also of his grace, such as when he saved Noah and 7 others through the flood. It's the beginning of understanding who God is, and how he formed a people through Jacob, renamed the Israelites. I love reading of how he led them into Egypt through Joseph, and then led them out through Moses. It is just amazing how the fingerprints of God are on and through everything. And there are even pictures of a pre-incarnated Christ, in the stories of the Angels and Christ appearing before the destruction of Sodem and Gemorrah to Abraham, and the story of Melchizadek, priest of God most high, who some scholars have supposed was Christ as well. His fingerprints are everywhere.

I learned about the Tabernacle in a Bible study a number of years ago and it was fascinating all the details and descriptions of the gold, purple, scarlet, linen. Much of the layout and processes of the tabernacle is still seen in how we approach the Lord today. Instead of the burnt offerings of unblemished lambs, we approach through the offering of Christ our Lord, the perfect Lamb. They washed in the water of the bronze laver, and we wash ourselves through the word, in which our reflection against God's perfection can be seen more clearly. There were other examples as well with the showbread and such, but I cannot remember them now, it's been so long. The neat thing is the curtain was torn in two, and we can enter that Holy of Holies through prayer and speak directly with God through Christ! I don't think of the gold, silver and bronze as materialism at all, but rather the radiance and Glory of God! He says that in heaven, even the streets will be paved with the stuff, paved with gold! What a radiant and glorious place our new home will be!

I also love the stories showing Christ in the Old Testament - there are many of them: Abraham and Isaac, Jonah and the Fish, The Creation. And all the genealogies - I used to find them so boring, but those are all people and lives lived - up to 969 years! Can you imagine the changes and the generations that he would have seen! And also how God fits it all together. Notice the relatively short life of Lamech, Noah's father, since he was not on the Ark! It all fits in perfectly, planned through the invisible hand of God. The Old Testament shows the power and strength of God, through stories like the firey furnace, and lion's den, and the strength of Samson.

So that's how it fits in the Bible - it leads the way and paves the path to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior, the Messiah, our Lord and King. The Jews were hoping for an earthly King and God sent a heavenly one. The Old Testament prophesies point out all the intricate details about who Christ was to be and how he was to come, and he fills them. It's also fascinating to see how the Magi came, likely taught by the wise Israelites during their time of defeat by the Babylonians. It all just fits together perfectly.

I know, I'm going on, and I'll stop now. I am really learning to love this word, and seeing more every day how it fits so perfectly together.

Blessings, grace and peace!
Welcome to DAB!
Saint Grogan 02/18/2012 05:13
Now Lanny,
I only critiqued one other thread of yours. Here, I asked you two simple questions. I hardly call that discrediting "EVERYTHING" you write.
Lanny Carlson 02/18/2012 10:00
Actually, I was quoting Craig, who said,
"It's like you're trying to discredit everything Lanny writes."
It does feel that way sometimes, but I'll admit that using superlatives
like "all" and "everything" isn't accurate either.
So I apologize for the overstatement.
What bothered us here is that you raised a question about something (universalism)
that had nothing to do with this thread.
So let's move on, brother!
Grace and Peace.
Saint Grogan 02/19/2012 08:56
“Let’s move on”?
and then you have one of my posts removed?
Thanks “BROTHER”

Lanny Carlson 02/19/2012 09:17
I don't have the power to remove ANYTHING from these Forums.
That is entirely up to the Moderators.
I have been a participant in these Forums for six years, however,
and I know the Moderators are very sensitive
about allowing political discussions,
which can become even more devisive and work against community
than discussions centered on Scripture and religion,
which is what this website is all about.
I, too, had a thread removed several years about it.
I wasn't happy about it, and I expressed my displeasure,
but the Moderators are VERY sensitive to freedom of expression,
and are very hesitant to remove anything without very good reasons,
and I got over it!
I hope the Moderators will post something about the standards they use to make these very rare decisions.
Brother, I'm sorry if you were offended,
and I do thank you for being a part of this community.
Grace and Peace,
Saint Grogan 02/20/2012 06:44
Maybe next time you'll allow the moderators to make that call by themselves.
Lanny Carlson 02/20/2012 07:58
Grogan, they DO make that call themselves.
Did you read Brian's explanation of the process?
See the Topic "Suggestions" and the thread "Rules for Posting".
John T 02/20/2012 17:23
Alright Grogan, that's plenty. I know that I have had many discussions/disagreements/etc with Lanny at times, but making it personal isn't going to help it. Grace and Peace, John.
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