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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
Blessings in the Trials
I'm a newbie here. I saw Brian on our local Christian show, 100 Huntley Street and thought what a great Ministry! I logged onthe website, checked it out, registered and here I am! I was saved in 2007 and God had me on a fast track of learning and growing spiritually. I joined a small local church and took every single class I could. I was just so hungry to know the ONE who gave His life for me! Despite my husband thinking I was in some kind of a cult (because the changes in me were downright drastic PTL!!)I served and gave myself over to God's healing Love.

I was still dealing with a lot of baggage frommy past life and got involved in a Ministry called Celebrate Recovery. It was throught this that Jesus healed me from the inside out on a lot of my hurts, hangups and habits. Then I became a leader in the Ministry so I could pay forward what I learned and share with others how God performed miracles in my life through His Grace & Glory. 2-1/2 years later, I got sick with a Nerve Disorder. I had to step down from the Ministry and had to actually stop going to church all together as my illness prevented me from even walking normally. It also comes with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome so it's been quite the struggle I can tell you.

After I stopped going to church and attending CR, many ofmy 'friends' from church didn't contact me any more. I was the encourager. The one who reached out to others in their time of need and yet, as my needs grew, the phone, text and emails remained silent. Even when I asked people point blank to come andsee me, they werefull of empty promises. So I sat. Day after day, hoping that someone would reach out a hand to me. Listening to my non-believing husband ask me 'and where are your so-called friends now?". I was devistated. The God asked me a question. "Did you reach out to these people to get something back? Or did you reach out to them to honour Me?" Well, the answer was clear.

So, I have been so so so blessed by God in many ways despite the trials and challenges I face. I have been using the internet to encourage people and also encourage and love all people that I am around (I still work full time as a receptionist). Because God is loving me very much through this. I am closer to Him than I ever thought possible (thank you Lord!). He has led me to beautiful people on-line that I can encourage and connect with, He led me to Life church on-line where I get weekly messages (and great worship too! :D), God honouring programs like 100 Huntley Street and now He has led me here.

I know that through all of this (cause I have to admit that it gets REALLY hard sometimes), I know that God has a plan and a purpose for my life and I titally trust Him.

Lately He's been pressing me to read my bible more (I listen to sermons every day, worship music too, and of course I pray all day long but I haven't been reading my bible every day) so this site came at the perfect time (of course! You're ALWAYS have perfect timing don't you Lord?)

So here I am. Arms hight and heart abandoned. Just wanting to connect. More with our Lord and to others that love Him too.

Sorry for the verbal diarrhea - that's just me. God doesn't mind. That's the way He made me. I hope you don'tmind either.

Looking forward to connecting and worshipping together.

Your sister in Christ,

Toni (aka T) xo
Toni 02/28/2012 21:29

Jake Van Horn 03/01/2012 00:54
Hi Toni,

Great to meat you. You have such a encouraging story. I'm praying for you and your husband.
Tom B 03/01/2012 11:21
Welcome to the community Toni!
wesrman 03/01/2012 13:24
Welcome Toni :)

If you want to connect with people i suggest you check out the chatroom sometime.