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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
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Ross Whisenhunt 03/15/2012 19:35
That's true Claire but we have the best part in that we don't have to have a priest involved in the relationship. I missing the personal relationship keeps us from see more miracles in our times. I would love to see more miracles happening but I would like to hear more though talking about having a real personal relationship with Christ. For we could see lots of miracles with love, personal relationship but where does that get us. That gets more churches and large ones but where is Jesus Christ in that?

The greatest miracle in my life is the personal relationship. I don't have wait for an animal, someone or even an angel to speak to me or for me. Not that doesn't mean that I don't have others involved in my relationship with Christ it just means I don't need them to get answers and talk with Him. I have room in my relationship for Him to do so if He chooses to but more often than not they are there to help check what I heard.
Phil 03/25/2012 12:16
You are absolutely right that our life with God is about relationship but I would still argue that having a right relationship with God and doing good works are cannot be separated. Jesus said that if we love him will keep his commandments and if we do not keep his commandments we do not love him. So yes we don't strive to do good deeds we strive to be closer to God but we only cultivate a closer walk with God by obeying his words and by avoiding sin.

John T 03/25/2012 19:55
I loved the story about Balaam and Brian's commentary. I'm a bit behind, and just listening to it today, but it fit in with today's Sunday sermon which was about seeing and Bartemaus the Blind man being healed. Just like Balaam, we often can't see the whole story - open our eyes Lord! I know that I need to get back into the Word more often to help open my eyes.
Ross Whisenhunt 03/26/2012 06:04
I am not against doing good deed as much the focus being on the deeds. Jesus gave two commands; "Love the God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself." So then how do we show and I think the best way we show it is by accepting someone as they are. That's what I want and feels better than someone doing something for me because it can be done without love.
Catholica 03/26/2012 10:31
The great thing about the Daily Audio Bible is not only that God can put his words in a donkey's mouth, but that God can also put a donkey's words in Brian's mouth. ;-)
Saint Grogan 03/26/2012 13:41
Good one!
Sylvia 06/24/2012 17:53
My daughter's fiancé cannot hold a job and has no plans to own a car. Instead he is happy to let my daughter provide for him. We have set a boundary of not putting any deposits for the wedding on the basis of him at least providing for himself. He is 23 years old and she is 20. Any advice?? Please pray! I don't want to break our relationship with them.
Ross Whisenhunt 06/25/2012 17:08

The hard thing about what you asked is letting them make their own mistakes. The Lord allows us all to make mistakes and loves anyway. You situation sounds like one that I have and I am learning that I want someone to tell me what God wants me to do when He will through the Holy Spirit. Best I can say is pray and accept them as they are without interferencem
Ross Whisenhunt 06/25/2012 17:09

The hard thing about what you asked is letting them make their own mistakes. The Lord allows us all to make mistakes and loves anyway. You situation sounds like one that I have and I am learning that I want someone to tell me what God wants me to do when He will through the Holy Spirit. Best I can say is pray and accept them as they are without interference.
Catholica 06/26/2012 08:44
I agree with Ross for the most part. Definitely accept them for who they are. Wisdom is knowing the outcome of any action. They have to come to the right decision on their own. Best case scenario is that you first get to know him and let them know you accept them. Next you can provide insight into what could happen if they get married, or at least cause them to think about what it will be like. That will give them a chance to decide to rectify the situation or accept the consequences. Either way they go into the relationship with their eyes open. Just inform, don't Lord it over them or say I told you so. Ultimately these are their lives to live, you can only help guide them into the right choices. But ultimately God knows what is best for them. Sometimes our mistakes are essential for our salvation. Ultimately you must pray and leave them in God's hands, but do what you can to help them have wisdom and see the outcome of their decisions.

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