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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
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Cindy 08/13/2012 14:37
Thank you so much for the reminder! I have had three such experiences myself, each lasting only a few hours. It's something I've been looking for be there again, one-with-God, even for a few minutes. It is indeed truly beautiful!
Ray 08/13/2012 18:11
I want to live like that!
Cindy 08/13/2012 22:18
Doing to!
Craig from Illinois 09/01/2012 16:03
ummm . . . what?

Davidwayne Lackey 09/01/2012 22:03
It sounds like a new age advertisement for a clothing line.
Russ 09/04/2012 20:52
It sounds awesome, a wonderful description of the relationship our Father wants with us, after all the arguments about how to understand his redeemption and how we are to share it, it all comes down to the relationship, it describes it well Andre, and every day could be like that if we learned to keep our focus on Him and our relationship of working with the Father daily, it is where real life goes, and we have all passed from death to life but are still learning how to live in that relationship. She sounded like she understood it. The days I am more in touch with my relationship I get tastes of that myself!

Davidwayne Lackey 09/04/2012 21:54
Ok, the weird post is gone so for those who don't understand my last post it was not about the original post made by Andre.

Amen Russ, I thought the same thing.
Tom B 09/05/2012 06:42
Thanks. I was confused Davidwayne.
Catholica 09/05/2012 09:19
Hi Russ! Good to see you around again!

My son, now 9, has wanted to be a paleontologist since he was 4. He is quite bright!
Marcie in MO 04/17/2013 20:31
I'm very late to this party, but I wanted to say that is truly beautiful. Thank you for sharing, Andre! (It's nice to see so many of you still posting here. I haven't been around for quite some time.)
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