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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
Hello All
Hello fellow DABer's! I was introduced to the DAB a year ago last week by my loving sister, I was in a very dark place after the woman I was going to marry up and left with no real reason, and started a chain of events that rocked me to my core! But as I started to listen I started to see things differntly, I started to see myself differently and realize that the Lord would not give me more than I could handle and that I was going through! The Lord has brought out a better part of me, this community has brought out a better part of me! I am so thankful for all of this! There are still days that I feel as though I am being attacked but I know now more than ever to continue to put my faith in God!
Thank you all for being there and thank you Brian for this! I will continue to pray for all of you!!

God bless
Teig Olson 07/23/2012 14:52

Jake Van Horn 07/24/2012 00:14
Hey Teig, great to meet you man! Welcome to the website.
Tom B 07/24/2012 14:38
Welcome Tieg
Kris 07/30/2012 13:34
Welcome my friend. The DAB is life changing and I am so happy you found it.
Helga 07/30/2012 22:43
Welcome Teig. Remember we all fight a battle and with Jesus we can conquer them.