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What does it look like?
I may have asked this question before. My apologies if this is a repeat.

For all Brian's talk about "trying to do things in our own strength and not God's," I have absolutely no idea what it looks like when you are relying on God and not yourself. I know we're supposed to rely on God, but what does it look like?

The last time I checked, God wasn't raining down manna from heaven, nor were baskets of food magically appearing at my door, and ravens were not delivering me food in the desert.

I am out of financial aid for school. I'm currently dipping into savings to pay for it; and since I don't know when I'm going to finish, the time may come when I run out of money, period, and have to leave. I don't know if my frustrations with school are God's way of saying, maybe you shouldn't be in school right now; or, if it's a test to see if I am going to persevere.

I went back to school mainly to get a job that would help get my son off of Medicaid, because I am afraid that it is going to go broke. Was that a lack of faith on my part, thinking that I had to meet my son's needs because I didn't trust God to do it? Or was that a decision made from the knowledge that we need resources for him? The fact is, I don't know, and I am afraid that if I say, it's because I wanted to provide resources, the answer is going to come back, "No, it's because you didn't trust God to provide for you."

I hear the terms "rely on God" "trust in God" "don't do it in your own strength", but I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing when I do it!
Tina Seward 09/06/2012 19:54

Tina Seward 09/06/2012 20:06
Scratch this question. I have asked it before. I'd delete it if I could but I don't see a place to do so.