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Power of Prayer- back pain
Had another interesting prayer moment. Over weekend had some frustration with wife (she is unbeliever.. I am a new one). Friday night she had been drinking and I must have said something about happiness and she went on slight tirade of how "Happy" she was because she has a job that actually does something and I don't so I have to look for something like religion to try to make myself happy. Saturday after work I got cold shoulder and once I dragged it out of her she was complaining how I am always gone doing these other things in my life. I could feel the desire to argue with her (about money, time, effort, etc) in both cases but I really believe the Evil One was trying to get me to crack and say something hurtful or get in an argument. But I didn't I just said that was interesting way to look at things on both days and tried to work with her to plan some things for us. So Devil can't get to me through my own weaknesses, now I have really started to see when he is trying to use my wife to get to me (hasn't worked much yet) so then he tries something new....

My back was KILLING ME Saturday night. I was scheduled to do video services for all three services of Church and whenever I would even just raise either hand above my chest I got sharp pain (like a knife being stuck ) in my shoulder. So I prayed some, even joked to my wife that I was going to try and pray about it and then if that didn't work take a Naproxen. It was something like "God please take a away this pain so I could serve you better tomorrow at church" (too funny trying to negotiate with God). After heating pads and hours of tossing and turning until about 2 a.m. so I took the Naproxen. At 6 a.m. I got up for church and not much better I thought "Man I'm not going to be even able to raise my hands during praise". So at Church I was up in the booth where all the sounds, video controllers are usually we have 4 people running the ProPresenter, camera and internet broadcast but there was only me... man this was going to be interesting I hope nothing stops working. But pain is still there. I guess to keep me awake. I am hobbling around wincing every 30 seconds or so. I had brought the Prayers for Spiritual Warfare book for another person at Church because I thought he was going to be there. I flipped through and quickly came to prayer about "infirmity". I decided what the heck and read it outloud... No joke a few minutes later I was raising my hands and the shooting pain was gone! I said the prayer a few more times outloud (crazy idea praying outloud at church right?) when I thought the pain was coming back and it never did! Pretty freaking weird!!!

Doug from the DAB forums made this photobucket printout/poster of the prayer I used on Sunday I had sent him the same prayer in an email (didn't realize it when I found in "randomly" on Sunday) a few weeks before because he stated he had lots of medical problem. He said he printed out the poster and put next to bed and prays it everyday (based on my Event I told him "pray outloud"). I don't know how it is working for him but working for me. I wonder how many other aches and pains, in my life I could have gotten rid of with prayer? I am not much of a medicine person, had weird concept that "pain lets you know you are alive". I used to say "if a deer in the woods breaks his legs do you think he gets to take an aspirin?" so I have just toughed it out (although God has blessed me with incredible health throughout my life).

slaveofjesus923 10/08/2012 01:35