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The woman who called who is in great pain 10/24 and who feels like giving up
I know what great pain is like. I just want you to know that your pain reached out across the internet waves and I felt that pain. I want you to know that I felt such pain from you. I also want you to know that I have been directed by God to pray for you, almost unceasingly, well for me it is the equivalent of unceasing prayer, anyway.

I don't know your name but whenever I think of you, whoever you are, I pray that in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ that this pain might be taken from you. I hope there are believers nearby you who will share in the Lord's supper with you and then lay their hands upon you and pray for you and your pain. Ask for help, sister!! That they will anoint your forehead with oil and pray again that you will be lifted up to God and that He will bring you the relief you seek. I love you, sister and I am praying for you and I encourage all others who are so moved to pray for you as well. Lord Jesus, I magnify You for this purpose, that You will relieve your child of the pain she is is. I pray now for all listeners here who have made DAB part of their day and who are in pain or distress of any kind, that if be Your will, that such release would be effected without delay. I pray this all in the name of our most beloved Savior, Jesus Christ and I ask that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit will be able to work in our lived unhindered as He is meant to do. God help us all...God bless us all. Amen!!
Todd Fraser 10/26/2012 15:50

Helga 10/27/2012 05:18
I agree in prayer