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Upsetting Conversation
Just had a very upsetting conversation with an acquaintance who tore into me. Odd thing is I can't understand why. She ranted about worshiping chickens, how God would kill us before killing chickens. She abused me for referring to mankind (men and women) as "man". She twisted my words and fired off accusation after accusation for things she accused me of believing without really having any idea what I believe in. She cursed me with the f-word. It was a total stream of consciousness and very bazaar (sp?). I tried to share God's love with her but she would not let me get a word in. I feel I failed as a witness, but I don't know what else I could possibly have done. Her name is Valerie. Would you join me in praying for her? I feel her mind is very mixed up and angry.
Bing O 01/07/2013 19:59

Davidwayne Lackey 01/07/2013 23:53
Joining you in prayer for Valerie.
Bing 01/08/2013 10:01
Thanks. Praying for her and speaking the name of Jesus each time it comes to mind. I can feel the Devil flee. May she be set free!
Kris 01/10/2013 10:31
Never feel bad about sharing the Good News. Yes, just like the disciples you will run into people who reject you. Just dust off your sandals and go to the next person. Someone will listen and you will be blessed for spreading God's words.
Bing 01/10/2013 19:24
Thanks Kris. That phrase, dust off your sandals, really hit the spot - sort of freed me up to move on! I'm going to remember that.
PaulUK 01/11/2013 01:53
Neve underestimate demonic powers at work in people's lives. Godbless you, it isn't easy standing for truth.
Helga 01/11/2013 06:11
Bing sometimes people are so torn up inside themselves and when you mention the name of the Lord then they just "loose it". Some people you cannot convince by words and you just have to let your light shine through you. You can only win them by "showing" them Jesus and not by Words. When you pray then you pray the powerful Word of God into their lives.

Lord I pray that you help Bing to see people out of your Eyes and not hers. I pray for that friend that You Lord will heal her from the inside out.