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Dab proverbs reading speed
I listen to the full dab daily (love it!!) and sometimes the da proverb as well though not daily (yet). Because there is so much wisdom to absorb in such short phrases, the speed at which Brian reads these "zingers" is too fast for me to feel like I am getting the full benefit of the scripture. I am sure he has a lot to get through but if I am not alone here maybe you'd consider going for 5.5 or 6 mins.
Thank you God, Brian, and everyone who make this possible!
Robin 01/24/2013 12:31

Robin 01/24/2013 13:05
Sorry folks I don't see an edit post button... I kept listening and the next few days of proverb readings were much slower and / or had longer pauses between the proverbs and that did the trick! Perfect!