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Need Help: A Stroke Separates My M-I-L From Her Beloved Bible
Hi, Everyone.
I really enjoy the DAB. I listen to it as I take my daily walk.

My mother-in-law used to faithfully read through the Bible every year using the same reading plan that DAB follows. However, two years ago, she suffered a stroke that has left unable to read and speak except for a very few words. She is now cut off from her beloved Bible, and has limited ability to read Menus, Tables of Contents, or Lists. She has a difficult time writing as well.

I would love to have the DAB in CD format that she could simply put into a player and push a button to play and stop each day. Can anyone direct me to an audio Bible that is in CD format and that also follows the same DAB reading plan? (DAB would be the best of all, and she prefers NIV over King James.)

Thank you!
Jo 05/14/2013 12:36

frankly 07/13/2013 22:55
Josie, if you dont use itunes this info wont help you. on itunes for ipod, phone, and i pad is a free podcast in kjv nt from "faith comes by hearing." also there is a free whole bible podcast labled NIV but it's really nkjv. if you download the podcast to your computer then you can make your own bible cd's if your computer will allow you to do so. frankly