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Need Encouragement?
Feeling lost.
Hi, my name is Emily and I'm 21. I'm really struggling right now with everything around me, it seems. I went to the doctor last April with (what I thought) was signs of a heart attack, but it ended up being anxiety. I've never dealt with anything like this before, but it happens mostly when I am at work. I work full-time, so 8 hours of struggling with this wears me out to the point of exhaustion. My job is very monotonous, and I have about 3 hours of idle thinking time during this one particular project. My mind usually goes to everything negative at this time, even though I listen to the DAB.

I feel so lost right now. I feel unloved and unnoticed. I feel ashamed to even approach God, and I feel like I'm a disappointment to him. I don't even know when or what prompted this, but it's really hard for me to come to God when I feel like I can never do anything right. I know we're not perfect, and we'll never measure up to Him, but I know this isn't right. We're supposed to have some sense of peace and joy, right?

Thank you for reading this-- prayers or encouragement would mean more to me than you know. Love you all
Em 08/08/2013 18:54

Em 08/08/2013 19:07
Sorry-- I just realized that I should have posted this in the "Prayer" Forum.
mrtray 12/30/2013 21:04
Praying for you Emily, you are not alone and never ashamed or embarreased to approach God.
You are fine just hang in there.