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Tell Us About Yourself and What the DAB Means To You
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Hi my name is Althea! I downloaded DAB to my cellular phone about 3 weeks ago, it's been very enlightening. I read along with Brian each day and pray the daily prayers. I had no idea this would be such a blessing to my life. It feels like a bible study class to me. I really enjoy it. I enjoy fellowshipping and would be honored to communicate with DAB family. I am on facebook and my e-mail addr is God bless you all!
Althea 10/28/2013 10:54

Helga 10/31/2013 22:35
Welcome and happy that you found DAB. Check out the forum and you will find many interesting discussions and pray for those who need it...
Meg Somers 11/20/2013 02:16
Hi, I,m Meg and I live in Brisbane, Australia. Just wondering if anyone out there is in the same location? I,m committed to Jesus but found out about DAB on a long car trip and came across a Christian radio channel who was interviewing Brian. The amazing thing is...... I started listening to DAB Straight away - just Brian,s commentary - and missed that he was in Australia. When he was in Brisbane, I cold of been there but I was playing golf!
Anyway.... If you,re around Brisbane, I,d love to hear your comment.
Tom B 11/29/2013 09:14
Hi Althea. I'm glad to welcome you to this wonderful community.