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Bible Questions and Spiritual Discussion
'Glorious Ruin' Book Discussion: Chapter 1 (and Intro)
This thread is for the discussion of the introduction and chapter 1 of Glorious Ruin by Tullian Tchividjian. The page numbers reference are those in my book. Your page numbers may differ.

To start off, I don’t believe that we need to talk much about the introduction. It is a very good summary of the book, and the chapters will dive deeper into the subjects presented. That said, if there is something that stood out to you, feel free to bring it up.

Chapter one is entitled Suffering Is Inevitable. This reality that everyone suffers is something that we all must accept to understand the gospel. Suffering is the evidence that there is something wrong with the world (p. 34). If there were nothing wrong, we would not need the Savior we have been so generously given. Whether we classify it as “big” or “small”, we have all experienced suffering and are likely to again.

The book says that we often look to God for ways around suffering, for Him to just pluck us out of our pain and place us back into our comfortable lives. I know that has been my reaction. “Just make it all go away.” While that may be our reaction, the book challenges that thinking by stating, “… the gospel is not ultimately a defense from pain and suffering; rather, it is the message of God’s rescue through pain” (p. 38). What are your thoughts on this sentiment?

Our culture is one of progress, progress, progress (p. 40). I realize this is a global community, but for many it is expected that when life gives you lemons, you are to make lemonade. How has progress affected the way we approach suffering?

One concept that continues throughout the book is the difference between a theology of glory versus a theology of the cross (p. 41). If it’s not completely clear to you, it’s okay. I didn’t completely get it at first, but the rest of the book has helped my understanding. For now, what are your thoughts on the differences between these two ways of believing?

There is of course more to the chapter, but these are what stand out to me. Are there any other areas that stood out to you? If so, please share them with us!

Thank you for joining in the discussions. I hope everyone experiences joy this week!
Ruin Explorer 02/09/2014 18:40

rae 02/12/2014 22:13
Sorry...for some reason it didn't occur to me that we were supposed to read the first chapter for the first week...not sure where my head has been. Anyways, I'm all caught up now. :)

I agree with his statement that the Gospel is a message of God's rescue through pain. I've seen that time and time again in my own life where I pray that God will take something away or make something go away. He doesn't always take it away, but He reminds me time and time again that He's got it all under control and that I just need to trust Him. That doesn't necessarily make the pain go away, but by focusing on Him instead, it helps me realize how the suffering isn't the important part, He is.

I am definitely one of those people that look for progress in my suffering. That by seeing progress it makes me feel better about having to actually suffer. I've learned so many lessons during times of suffering and clung to Jesus during those times that once time has passed and I am further away from the suffering, that's the part I tend to I've changed, not necessarily the actual pain. Things always look so much easier once we make it through the suffering than they did when we were in the midst of it.

Well, being Lutheran, I've been brought up around the theology of the cross versus the theology of glory. Though, honestly, I'm confused by your question. Can you explain more or clarify?

Have a wonderful week as well! :)
Ruin Explorer 02/18/2014 21:13
First off, because some people haven't been able to get a book yet and only rae's commented, I've decided to hold off this week's post. Hopefully, this will give people time to catch up.

That's interesting that you've been brought up with hearing about the two theologies. I don't think I've heard of them before. They seemed like academic concepts. For my question, I was just looking for thoughts on them. Since you are familiar with them, do you have anything to say about them?
Adrienne Germany 09/09/2014 20:10
Sounds interesting