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Need Prayer and Guidance
Hi DAB Community,

In April 2012, I accepted a position that I thought would blossom into a career. It was at a company named MattressFirm and everything about this company looked great. They have good benefits, supposedly great pay, and plenty of vacation time. However it has been anything but that...

I was hired for a store in my home town, but in the summer of 2012 I had to work almost every store in the state of Wisconsin. They would put me in a hotel, make me drive to one location to another, and even switch my days off on me. I finally was given an intern management position at a store, but the woman who was in charge mistreated me and it became very lonely. I was understaffed, the distribution center kept messing up customer's orders, and then I had the manager to deal with beside. After the manager returned to work, I got way to drunk at a Christmas party and we began yelling at each other. I was offered a different store, which was a clearance center, with the promise that I would be earning better money.

This wasn't true either. When I arrived at the clearance center, I had to work with an individual who was highly competitive. Because of the Christmas party incident, I changed my anti-depressants and began cognitive therapy. Although I was promised the store manager position, they told my coworker that we were competing for the manager. He began to slander me to other people and steal my sales to make himself look better. I didn't complain, but just dealt with it. Eventually I was offered the manager position at a different store, which I accepted. For the first time, work was going well. I became friends with my coworker, who even helped me find a place to live.

At the end of 2013, we went through an acquisition. I had a customer who forced my assistant to miss her mammogram appointment, demanded that I deliver her mattress on my own time, and then accused me of lying to the territory sales director. I defended myself to this customer, but I used some profanity, and it nearly costed me my job. I am getting yelled at by customers several times a week because our distribution center is losing beds, delivering late, not processing refunds, etc. Some stores are even having their electricity and internet turned off because the company isn't paying bills. I have been demoted to assistant manager now.

Anyway, that is the background of my story to give you guys context. Since January of 2013, I have tried to get a new job. I keep praying, asking God for guidance, and have even went back to school. At the beginning of this month, I was certain that God was telling me I would have a new job. I kept feeling the Holy Spirit and praying. Then....nothing. I have began a Daniel fast, but it seems like God is silent. I can't hear his voice anymore. I have prayed against the enemy and have even sprinkled holy water around my apartment. While cognitively I know that Jesus will never leave us or forsake us, it really feels like he is distant and uninvolved. I just want relief from this work situation and I don't know what else I could be doing to get a new job. I just want the LORD's help or at the very least understanding of why I am stuck. I can't continue to take anti-depressants and I know that my outbursts of anger are related to the stress and depression. I keep praying for help...

Since I can't seem to hear God's voice, would you guys pray over this and respond if you hear of anything? Thanks
Pat Luck 02/23/2014 10:10

Davidwayne Lackey 02/23/2014 20:52
Praying now
Debby 02/25/2014 21:41
Hi Pat. I will pray that God will reveal His will to you in this matter. You didn't mention anything about looking for work. It's easy when things get hard to focus either exclusively on prayer and seeking, or on acting and doing. I believe that God expects us to do both. Trust that God is hearing your prayers. The answer you seek is not a feeling, or a sensation, but a manifestation in the form of a job offer. I encourage you to get your resume in order and apply for a few openings, and pray over those opportunities. May God bless your efforts!
DChan 10/14/2014 10:58
Hi Pat,
How are you doing? I am just checking in..hopefully you have a praise report.