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Get Ready
Joni and Friends Daily Devotional
Get Ready

"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed. Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

1 Corinthians 15:51,58

Life, as we know it, will be turned upside down when the trumpet sounds for our journey to heaven. We will have to rethink everything in light of the presence of Christ. The plans, hierarchies, principles, systems, and values that have ruled our societies for years will be thrown out. And you won't be able to distinguish bigwigs from the riffraff!

Given such a radical change, Paul admonishes us to be prepared. That's a good idea because we're not very good at handling change. Every change without preparation can create stress and division.

Paul's preparation has eternal perspective. First, stand firm. In the original language, the picture of that word was to literally be in place. A person seated in their faith is much less vulnerable to attack.

Second, let nothing move you. The phrase literally means don't move yourself from your position of faith. No one needs to point a gun to your head, Paul is saying, in order for some of you to set aside your obedience. Watch out that you don't move yourself.

Third, always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord. There's nothing like godly activity in love that gets you ready for Christ's return. You sense His coming more clearly and urgently when you are about His work.

Are you ready?

Lord, I can spend many moments speculating what heaven will be like, but I need Your prodding to keep me strong and to keep me working in Your service. Fill my days of waiting for heaven with overabundant love for Your appearing.
Davidwayne Lackey 06/06/2014 21:23