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The Power Of The Tongue
The Power of the Tongue
(Author Unknown, Provided by Student Discipleship Ministries, TX)

Have you thought lately about how powerful words are? A spoken word can change the course of history, alter a person's future, give someone a job, pass a law, or start a war. Words are powerful and may be used either for good or for evil purposes. Proverbs 12:18 says: "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."

Even though words can be destructive in relationships and hurt others, they can also be used for encouraging and blessing others. Warren Wiersbe said the following were words that dynamically changed the atmosphere of his home:


"Thank You"

"I'm Sorry"

"I Love You"

"I'm Praying for You"

Of course, when you use these words, you need to make sure that you mean them! If you say "I'm Praying for you" make sure that you actually are...

Try using these powerful words this week in your home, at your job, or at school. Make notes of how the use of these words affects those around you.
Davidwayne Lackey 07/14/2014 21:05