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Smile, God Loves You
Joni and Friends Daily Devotional
Smile, God Likes You

"For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation."

Psalm 149:4

Could you imagine being invited to a party at Buckingham Palace to which the invitation reads:

The pleasure of your company

is desired because the host

just wants to be with you.

Hard to imagine, isn't it?

God would invite you to such a party because He doesn't just love you. He likes you. It's a subtle difference but it is important to know that He feels both emotions toward us. Many of my disabled friends have people who love them. Such people help with sitting, or cleaning, or transportation. Such love is invaluable. But disabled people also need to know that they are liked. They need people to say that they want to play chess, shop, or just talk.

Perhaps you've pictured the love of God but never saw His pleasure with you. You've only pictured God going out for fish and chips with Paul or Isaiah but never with you. Or you pictured being on the perimeter of a circle while Jesus and the disciples contemplated the universe.

No! God is pleased with you. According to the Epistles, you were called according to God's pleasure, redeemed according to God's pleasure, and you work His will for His pleasure. The smile of God is for you, and it is as wide and bright as His love is deep.

Do not worry about what to wear to a party with God. He tells us that "He beautifies the afflicted with salvation."

Lord, I've never considered Your affection and desire for my company. I've been busy assuming that Your face has been in an eternal scowl since Adam sinned. But now I know that You love me and are pleased with me. May I live joyfully knowing such pleasure.

Davidwayne Lackey 08/12/2014 20:10