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Precious Moments
Joni and Friends Daily Devotional
Precious Moments

"Make the most of every opportunity." Colossians 4:5

I read in the papers that the owner of a small original by Van Gogh had put the painting on the auction block in New York hoping it would bring twelve million dollars. When the highest bid climbed only to eight million, the owner withdrew the painting. Van Gogh would probably drop dead again if he were alive to see such a thing.

Some people call a million-dollar painting, a Mercedes-Benz, or a dress with a price tag of over six hundred dollars an investment. But I say: If you can't pack it into your luggage when you step into the other side of eternity, please don't call it a lasting treasure.

Now I'm not poking fun at your great-grandmother's silver service that has been handed down in your family over the years. I'm just asking for a little perspective here. Because consider this: Every morning you are handed twenty-four hours free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, you could not purchase a single extra hour. So what will you do with this priceless possession? You must use it. And don't forget: Once it is wasted, you can't get it back.

One day Van Gogh paintings will peel and crack. The resale value on that Mercedes-Benz will only be a couple hundred dollars. Even silver and gold will perish. So...

Build your eternal investment. Pray for an unsaved neighbor. Visit a nursing home. Ask for forgiveness from someone you've offended. Such things can never be auctioned away!

"If for one whole day, quietly and determinedly, we were to give ourselves up to the ownership of Jesus and to obeying his orders, we should be amazed at its close to realize all he had packed into that one day."* --Oswald Chambers
Davidwayne Lackey 08/22/2014 06:00