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Radically Changed
Wow, December 31, 2014! One year ago, I began a journey through the Scriptures, a coward, a liar, a manipulator. I began this year, squirming in terror at the sound of the name of God...of Jesus.... I began this journey, digging my heels into the dirt, kicking and screaming all the way, running, but always returning... My, how the senseless fool of my past has been transformed. I know I'm not finished yet... There is still sooo much God needs to tune for me to sing His anthem... Fears He needs to still, regrets He needs to redeem, thought patterns He needs to change, and lessons He still needs to teach me so I can be ready on that day of His return! But, for now... I will celebrate a year of transformation and a brand new year on the horizon! I am so adamant about continuing my rhythm through the Scriptures and to keep giving the years of my past up for Christ to redeem, and dedicating the future years to Him! I am so excited to start back on the first books of the OT and NT again! Thanks and praises be unto God!
Ari 12/31/2014 11:31

Zach 06/05/2015 14:21
What an uplifting story!
I'm so happy for you and all you bless by being in their lives.
Thanks so much for sharing!
