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comment on today’s scripture
Thank you Brian. I don’t know why I hesitate to listen to your commentaries. Today I listened and I’m so glad. I was reminded of the walk I had before with God; of the way it can be now; of the joy and peace that are possible if I could find my way back to where I was before. Rest. Trust. Like a child, trust. Moment by moment. Stop navigating, as you put it. That’s what I’ve been crying out in my confessions of sin and self. “I’m sorry for not waiting” “I’m sorry for not asking” “I’m sorry I went out and went on and did [all this today what I’ve done so far] and didn’t even think of you God until now” “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,God.” What if, I didn’t navigate. What if I just trusted and waited and obeyed, like I did once, when things were good. Just being with the one who loves me and wants me. What a wonderful time that was. The only way I did it before was to memorize psalms whenever I had an idol moment so my brain wouldn’t kick into “navigate” I picked a psalm and all I had to do was remember the first word and I would say it over and over again until I could remember what that one word was after coming back to it. Then I would remember the next word or phrase until I could remember the whole verse and I would not go on to the next verse until I could recite all together the preceding versus I just memorized. Eventually memorizing and reciting the entire psalm by the time I was done. Thank you Brian. I want to spend the next two weeks just vacationing with God. He is so much better navigating my life than I am. Duh.
Me O Mom 01/27/2015 18:06

Marcie in MO 01/29/2015 08:00
Great insight, Me O Mom.

Be blessed.
Bukinuga 02/02/2015 08:07

You are not alone in this Me O Mom. Many of us need to do some repenting from this "acting before asking" problem, including me. But not to despair. I believe we are still in the "being fathered" class which we will never fully graduate from until we see Jesus face to face. We should all just make our resolve to retrace our steps back and allow Him help us navigate through this sometimes difficult terrain each time.