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newbie and what do you do when you get behind?
I got the app and love it! I tried listening a few years ago but didn't keep up with it. Now that I have the app on my phone it's easier. But I did get behind, so any advice on how to get caught up or just try to do 2 a day for a while?
I've done a marathon of 4-5 today! haha!
I'm a mom of 5 and wife for 20 years in North Carolina and love God with all my heart!
Not sure where to go from here but that's about all that is important about me.
God Bless Brian for his work and thankful to God for everything!
Andi 02/23/2015 12:04

NurseLisa 02/23/2015 20:28

Hello there. This is Lisa from WNC. If I get behind I make a point to listen in the car or listen before I go to bed and when I first wake up in the am. I have a set time to listen at night as I am laying down to sleep, so sometimes I will listen to 2 or 3 if I get behind.
This works for me. I hope it will work for you.

Welcome back!

I am also from North Carolina!

Marcie in MO 02/25/2015 08:10
Hi Andi,

Don't pressure yourself to "catch up" if you get too far behind. Just jump in wherever you are when you come back. God will speak to you right where you are! I've been listening since Brian's second year. There were years I would miss months of podcasts and then come back and start listening again.

Be blessed!
slaveofjesus923 08/19/2015 16:56
Don't worry about getting behind. First make sure you have a small time each day to pray OUTLOUD to God even if just the Lord's prayer (it is the first thing I do on way to the bathroom each morning). I have commute so listen in the car too. Also as person who like to do two things at once I'll listen on treadmill, during walks with dog, or when I used to have problems sleeping I will put in earbuds and listen then while going back to sleep. I joined in during a July so started in the middle. Then I went on 10 day trip and listened to something like 150 podcasts in 1 week (they were as long back then). One the greatest weeks of my life and had literal miracles happen saving someone on the freeway. But don't worry just stick with it, I often go a couple days and then catch up on the weekends, highly encourage if you don't have time for full DAB, take 5 minutes before bed and listen to the Proverbs podcast.
Chris 10/02/2015 08:45
Hi Andi, I have 6 kids, can relate to the time demands. All I offer is that sometimes when you're catching up, take the time to listen to some prayer requests. I find my outlook toward the DAB community changes when I join us in prayer. Otherwise, Ya, just blast 'em
aditi verma 01/18/2022 03:46
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