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Starting my own company and FREAKING OUT about money
Hi Family,

Well, I've done it.
I've taken the leap of faith believing God has guided me to start my own company after several failed attempts to work for several previous employers in the last 3 years.
I truly do feel Christ leading me to this point but 7 months later and no sales had made me VERY concerned about the future of my financial capacity.

Can you please pray for me that God can deliver me from this financial burden (In whatever direction He decides) and allow my new company to supply ample financial support for my family or to remain patient as He provides a different opportunity.

I'm just a little stressed and don't see how I can make it another month financially.

Thank you so much in advance.

Your brother in Christ,


Zach 07/09/2015 15:05

JT 07/09/2015 20:32
Standing alongside you in prayer Zach.
Davidwayne Lackey 07/10/2015 22:53
Praying about it now, Zach.
J 08/08/2015 20:23
Lord, we pray for divine appointments and protection over Zach's business.
Andrea Delaine 12/03/2015 06:07
Zach, I will pray for you guidance. However, I have learned that two incomes are better than one from a multi-millionaire business mentor. It's important to have consistent income to remove the pressure off of you while you grow your business. Freaking out about your business will push potential clients away from you whether you realize it or not they can sense your pressure. I would recommend Job Domination course by Dani Johnson. It shows you how to be an employee-preneur. The conflicts in your work are due to lacking skills in the marketplace which also will affect your business. Learn to be both and transition when financially able to do so into full time with your business. If you don't, you will get very discouraged and eventually quit all the above. I also recommend and encourage you to plug in to someone that has helped me tremendously. Her name is Dani Johnson. Dani Johnson dot com. Look her up. Dani is a strong believer in Jesus and has helped people from all walks of life like yourself to come from struggling to succeeding in powerful ways. I believe the Lord is wanting people to rise up in business, starting their own business, but it comes through first humbling yourself and learning from those who can show you the way. The bible teaches a lot about business and wealth. You can do this Zach! I believe you will. Failures are often along the path the succeeding. Don't quit, but plug into a community of people and a mentor who can show you the way from God's word to succeed! I know a man who was so stressed out because of his business that he realized he needed to hire a boss while he worked it on the side. At first that wasn't pleasant, but as he was faithful in that, God did allow him to go full time in his business and became EXTREMELY Successful. Prosper where you are planted, being faithful in the small, grow your skills, and commit your ways to Him, and You will prosper! Keep going! I hope you'll plug in to Dani Johnson - and her community. Your life will not be the same a year, or five years from now if you plug in consistently and diligently. Go read the testimonials and see for yourself the results. God's word works... - Andrea
Andrea Delaine 12/03/2015 06:09
Yes, YOU can!
Kerlos Patters 02/07/2024 02:59
Hi. I don't believe the app can do this qualitatively. Ideally, I would entrust software development to professionals. At one time I decided to take my business to the next level and decided to do it with the help of specialists. After successful testing, the store was ready for launch. And now, with the store afloat, I am sure that choosing the right development team is the key to success.