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Cobweb Problems
Joni and Friends Daily Devotional
Cobweb Problems

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4:17

Growing up on a farm was one big adventure for me. My sisters and I would jump from barn rafters, build hay forts, and crawl into the feed bin. I'd shinny up the ladder to the hayloft, climbing through layers of thick cobwebs that hung like cotton candy strung from one post to another.

Spiders didn't bother me back then, so I thought nothing of barging through their webs. The thin threads clung to me, but I laughed--with a sweep of my hand, the cobwebs were gone.

Someone once prayed, "Lord, help us to strip off like cobwebs the troubles that we have allowed to cling to us like chains." Oh, how often we feel chained to our problems. Wouldn't it be glorious if we could consider all our trials to be as light and as momentary as cobwebs? We can! Whatever troubles are weighing you down-doubt or anxiety, insecurity or fears-are not chains. They are featherweight when compared to the glory yet to come. With a sweep of a prayer and the praise of a child's heart, God can strip away any cobweb.

Lord of all, I can hardly comprehend the eternal glory that awaits me in heaven. Help me to understand that my troubles on earth are, indeed, light and momentary. Make me to know that they achieve for me rich reward and, for Your Son, glory and honor. Give me the spirit of a child and help me to brush aside like cobwebs the problems that often feel like chains.
Davidwayne Lackey 07/17/2015 22:20

JT 07/18/2015 04:11
Donnie 07/21/2015 17:19
I really needed to read that.