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Daily Transcripts
1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11 ~ Romans 4:1-12 ~ Psalm 13:1-6 ~ Proverbs 19:15-16
Today is the 18th of July. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible, I am Brian and it is great to be here with you, coming to you once again from the State of Lakes. I don't know what the motto... I should probably keep up with these things. So just like Kentucky, hang on just one second... Okay, I shouldn't have done that. The state motto for Minnesota is 'L'Etoile du Nord,' at least I think that's right. You would think that if I can read the names in the Bible, that I could pronounce a state motto, but alas, those of you who speak French, if I did that right, awesome. If I didn't, forgive me. It means 'The Star of the North.'

So, welcome, from the 'Star of The North,' Minnesota and the Sonshine Festival. I'll be speaking this afternoon around 2, I think, and getting back on the bus going all the way back to Nashville. It's a long way but such is life on the road.

So, it is good to be here with you for the reading of the scriptures. We all come together every day for this beautiful rhythm of life in community through the Bible in a year. We are at the end of the week, we've been reading from the New International Version this week which is, of course, what we'll do today.


Father, thank you for another week in your Word. As we just continue step by step, day by day, we are finding once again that your Word is alive and sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces when it needs to and comforts when it needs to, deep down beyond soul and spirit to the level of our identity, to the truth of who we are. So we thank you for this gift that can speak that deep in our lives and we invite your Holy Spirit that deep in our lives to speak truth into our lives and to guide our steps, leading us into all truth, guiding us deeper into Jesus, showing us the narrow path that leads to life. Thank you for another week. We love you and we have great anticipation for what's next because every day is a new step forward, and every day you speak to us through the counsel of your Word, so come, Holy Spirit, we pray in Jesus' name, amen.

Announcements: is the website, as you I'm sure know by now, and we're in the middle of this little beta test that I've been talking about for the last 2 days. If you missed the last 2 days, go back to the 16th and listen to the end where I kind of unpack what we're doing. It's this ambitious project that we want to do called the 'Global Bible Read' in which we get 31,000+ people to each contribute a verse and have this Bible in video form that was read all over the world that represents our community and beyond.

This is something that's never been done before and we had to build the technology to do this. It just has never been done before. So right now, I'm only going to talk about this for a couple of days and then it will kind of disappear off the radar, we are where we go back and look at everything that happened and make sure everything worked and tweak and fix and build until we can actually do this, but we're capturing the entire book of John from within this community.

So no matter where it is that you are in the world, I mean, in fact, we want to hear from you all over the world, all over Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia, United States, the Americas, South America, everywhere. Contribute a verse, go to and contribute your verse. This is amazing and it's gonna be epic, no doubt about it, so contribute your verse. It'll just take you a minute or two.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible then I thank you profoundly for your partnership in the summer. There's a link on the home page of or, if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996 Spring Hill, TN 37174.

If you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

That's it for today. I'm Brian. I certainly love you. I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praiser Reports:

Hey family, this is Melisa from Albertville, AL. I have a praise report. We had baptism at our church last Sunday so my older daughter was baptized when she was young and she was rebaptized. My little girl kept tugging on me, "mom, I want to be baptized." I told her, "you know, you need to be saved first." She said "but mama, I talked to Jesus this morning and I repented and I told him I loved him and I want him in my heart,” and I was completely undone. So I am ecstatic. Y'all please pray for my children, my oldest daughter, my stepdaughter's name is Darion and my baby's name is Leah and I'm very excited about our new church and continue to pray for me and pray for my husband whose name is Darin. So we need God, but I'm just so happy about my daughter. And Walta, I'm praying about your oldest son. I was where he is, my mama had a time raising me. She would have done the same thing you did, so I'm praying for you, my sister, and I'm happy your other baby is home. I love y'all. Thank you, Brian and Jill. God bless y'all. Bye-bye.

Hi Dabbers, this is Faith from Brisbane, Queensland Australia. I'm a first time caller. I've been listening now for about 18 months. Firstly, I'd like to say I'm praying for the little one, the 4-year old that had the colon operation yesterday on the 14th of July. Two of my 7 grandkids are also 4, and I know how your heart must ache for this little one. Today I'm calling for Brett, a 33-year-old father and husband that has fought Ewing’s sarcoma now for 4 years. It is a very rare bone cancer. He's not been given long to live. __________, but apart from that, he has no Christian witness or influence that I'm aware of. His family is a beautiful family that are friends of my daughter and her husband and little ones who are not walking with the Lord. Apparently he has a tumor completely obstructing his throat and he cannot have any more chemo. He's had numerous operations on his head. I'll post a link of his story that accounts a fair bit on him on the page on Facebook where you can go and see some more. Would you pray with me, Dabbers? Lord, I just ask in the name of Jesus that you would just touch Brett and his family right now. God, you are our God of the impossible, and I know that you will just touch Brett, that he would come to know you as his Lord and Savior and Father God, that you would reach out and you would touch him and you'd heal him of this disease in the name of Jesus Christ. Touch him and Brett’s family. Amen.

Hi DAB family, this is Tim from Florida. I usually like to call in and be encouraging and uplifting, but I really just need your help today. I'm dealing with a substance abuse situation in my marriage and it’s really destroying stuff and it's really destroying other parts of the family. I just really need you to pray that the Holy Spirit would intervene, and you know where two or three gather, the Holy Spirit and the Lord are there and I know that he will do something. Let's just pray. Lord, I just pray for my other DAB family brothers and sisters who are going through the same thing that I'm going through, but maybe they don't have the comfort to call in and ask us to pray for them. Lord, we just lift them up. Lord, I pray that you will send your Holy Spirit to their family, Lord, and give them wisdom and prepare the hearts of those who are going through these addictions to receive from you and, Lord, you just know situations, you know my situation, you know their’s and I just lift them up, in Jesus' name, and I ask that you would do the work that only you can do, in Jesus' name, amen. I just ask that you would all agree with me and help me to stand in the gap for my wife who is going through a very difficult thing right now and just ask that the Holy Spirit would prepare her heart and deliver her of this stuff. Thank you very much. God bless all you guys.

(Singing): For I know the plans I have for you. For I know just what you're going through. You see, when you can't see what tomorrow holds and yesterday is through, for I know the plans I have for you. Good morning, Daily Audio Bible. I just wanted to share that song because I was in my spirit this morning. I'm Salisha. I've been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for about 3 years now, but I've never called in. This is such a great avenue for people to be encouraged and be enriched in the Word, but I really wanted to share that song with you this morning because I myself am facing some obstacles. I'm a new business owner and I'm up for a great contract and a great opportunity, but they have to do a background check and there were some things in my past that, while they were not totally my fault, I was part of it, but I just want to ask for prayer and covering and favor from God. I know he can do exceedingly and abundantly above all I could think or ask and I know he knows the plans he has for each and every one of us, so I today stand firmly in my faith, but I do covet your prayers that I grow my business because my heart is truly just to help people. I'm a wellbeing coach and I love helping people and I'm seeking to just enhance the world through what I do and share my gift with the world. So, I love you, Daily Audio Bible, and I want you to stand firm in your faith no matter what's going on, because God does have a plan for each and every one of us and it shall come to pass. Have a wonderful and beautiful day.

Hi Daily Audio Bible family, this Sheila from Massachusetts. I'm calling today to open myself up to my fellow brothers and sisters just so I can be held accountable. I find that the more I try to walk with God, the more light I try to allow in, I realize how much darkness is in there inside of me, like my heart and my spirit, and I'm praying for a pure spirit. I find things like my life having been very difficult lately in the past few years with Annie and her bipolar and things going on in the family, I find myself envious and jealous of other people, of my friends. When I hear them talking of their children and going off to college and the successes they are having, I try to be happy for them, but deep down inside I really do, I feel a jealousy. I feel an enviousness for them and how well things are going for their children, and I don't want to be that person. I want a pure heart. I want a heart that is loving and shares joy and feels good for them and can just celebrate with them genuinely from the inside out, not just with my faith in words while inside I'm just feeling so yucky, ugly. I pray for a pure heart. I just pray that I'm cleansed of this type of envious, covetous heart, that I wish my life were like their’s, I wish my children had what they did, so please pray for me that I continue to get closer to God, that as his light shines closer in, that my heart purifies and I become more and more a person with the spirit of Christ. Thank you family...

Tamarie 07/18/2015 22:24