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Daily Transcripts
2 Chronicles 24:1-25:28 ~ Romans 12:1-21 ~ Psalm 22:19-31 ~ Proverbs 20:8-10

Today is July 29th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian. It’s wonderful to be with you all this fine day in the Pacific Northwest where the final of the summer festivals will be getting underway tomorrow. It is good to be with you from here. Wherever it is that you are, I trust and pray that it she is a wonderful day for you as well. We’re reading from The Message this week.


Okay, in the letter to the Romans, Paul continues to dive into so many of the things that we've been talking about. He's just pounding and pounding away at this. Your identity is not who you are compared to somebody else. That is a dead end. You are a part of a whole, this body of Christ, an irreplaceable part of the body of Christ and together we make up this body of Christ in the world and our identity flows down from the head, which is Christ. We are his hands and feet in this world, grafted into his family by nothing more than his goodness towards us, his grace offered through our faith and belief in it. I mean, this is the long and short of the story and so not only in our journey through the book of Romans, but just a cursory look into our lives tells us this is true. We are not really getting an identity by whatever tribe we keep based on our judgment of another tribe, which we were talking about yesterday. We are not getting an identity by comparing how well we are doing versus somebody else around us. That's hollow, that's empty. It just keeps us on a treadmill trying to be in some sort of competition to get some sort of false identity from it.

Our identity will only ever be truly found as we were created to be children of the most High God. Where do you go from there? I mean, like what other additional piece of identity would we want? Seriously, I am a child of the most High God, who has given me life and a will to love him. What else is there? I mean everything is downhill from there, right?

So try to find some sort of identity elsewhere – it’s plastic, it’s cardboard or I would even dare say its illegitimate - it is a false identity. So why would we choose that, that smaller life, is fascinating because if we go digging around in that soil trying to figure out ‘why would I?’, 'why do I seem to doubt this every single day?', ‘why is it that I'm looking for validation and identity everywhere else but God?', we begin to unveil how we really feel about God and our true heart's posture toward Him and its sobering.

And so may we spend some time wrestling with that because it’s important that we do. It’s important that we wrestle with some of these things so that we arrive at the truth of how we really feel about our faith and this unmerited favor, this grace that has been offered to us. It’s important that we dive into the soil of our lives and do some pruning and do some weeding.


So Father, by the power of your Holy Spirit, we invite you into that as we kind of wrestle with all of the places that we've looked for identity that is outside of you. If we're honest, what we find is doubt and idolatry, it’s just full of dark and prideful things, things that we're not made or equipped to handle. We're simply made to be in union with you and nothing more, but for some reason we chase other lovers all the time, looking for a little bit of life - something that's blinking, something that's enticing, something that's seduces us all the time. So we invite your Holy Spirit to come into this as we dive into the gardens of our lives. We invite you to be there with us revealing the weeds, pulling the weeds, pruning, correcting. And may we respond from our hearts to you. Father we love you, there is no identity outside of you. There is nothing else. Everything that we have is a gift from you, by your grace and kindness and patience and mercy. So come, Holy Spirit, we pray. Realign us once again with who we really are. We ask in Jesus' name. Amen. is home base. It’s where you find what's going on around here. Of course, the Creation Festival is up on deck and looking forward to that. A little further into August and I'll be speaking at the Penn Theatre in Plymouth, MI and bringing the Reframe message there (August 15-16). Just go to If you're in the area and want to come, love nothing more than to see you there, so come on out.

And then Global Bible Read (the thing I’ve been talking about for a week and a half as we're testing this system that we have been in development for 2 years on and working toward collecting the entire book of John), you can check it out, like I've been saying for the past couple of days. You can see what I'm saying by visiting and see. Well, just go. Just check it out. You'll see what I'm talking about. And then when you're done, go to and contribute your verse and put your mark on history because this has never been attempted, this has never been done. And when we get to the end of the road on this, it is going to be profound in the way that we can use this resource and this tool to invite people to experience the Word of God in a way that has never been done before. So check it out.

If you're willing to partner with the Daily Audio Bible and the community mission that we have to bring the spoken Word of God to anyone, anywhere, anytime and to build community, community around it so that we're not walking alone, then I thank you humbly for your partnership. You can go to and there's a link in the upper right-hand corner. Or, if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

If you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

And that is all for today. I'm Brian. I love you and I'll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports:

Hi DAB family, this is Kat from Denver, I'm hoping this version of my call gets on because my previous one was too long. I'm lifting up those of you suffering from taking care of or living with someone who has depression or some other mental illness. I suffer from major depressive disorder and I take daily medication for it. When I learned I had this, I was very angry. I was angry for all the years that I lived not understanding what was wrong with me. Trust me. I've tried it all - willing it away, memorizing scripture, continuous prayer, healing services, fasting specialists, diet specialists, exercises, ignoring it, living with it, etc. And of course I felt like a failure because none of them worked, which, of course, only added to my problem. You see, I was under the mistaken impression that my depression was something that I could control, not a real medical condition. I was raised to believe that mental issues were punishment, so I certainly would never admit that this was a problem with me. I didn't understand that a big piece of mental illness is genetic, which is why even though my father had schizophrenia, I thought that my children wouldn’t because I was going to be the best mom ever. But here's the thing, depression can be short-lived, but it also can be a chronic disorder. I'd rather not have to take medicine. When I feel better I want to stop taking it, but the reason I feel better is because of the medicine. Dylan, my son with schizophrenia, dislikes his medicine and he stopped taking it many times. Of course when he stopped, his symptoms returns and it’s no fun for anyone. Look, sometimes it’s up to us to actually take the steps to make things better; and maybe that's accepting something you don't want to. I know how that feels, trust me. Anyway, I hope this helps someone. Love to you all.

Hello my beautiful Daily Audio Bible family, this is Jay from New Jersey. I'm calling, family, because God laid something on my heart this morning. I was sitting in my car, driving to work, and I started to feel sad and depressed about an issue that I was thinking about. And then the Holy Spirit came on me and said, ‘why are you trying to deal with this issue on your own? You cannot do this by yourself.' You know when we get sick and we get injured and we get hurt, we're in pain physically and even mentally, we'll go to a doctor, we'll go to a specialist, we'll go to someone who is trained to deal with our situation. But a lot of times I find myself ignoring the fact that I have a Doctor, I have a Psychiatrist, I have a Counselor, I have a Mentor, I have a Friend in Jesus Christ, in his living Word, that I can go to that, I can read that, I can meditate on that day and night for this unbelievable comfort. And once I realized I have this all-knowing Physician who I don't need health insurance for, who I don't have to pay for, the price has already been paid, this weight, this burden, this thought in my mind that the enemy was trying to use to take over my joy - freed it away. And I want you to know, family, that this is possible for you, too. And it may seem like it’s hard and it may seem difficult, but I'm telling you if you have a smartphone, if you have a Bible, if you have a tablet, if you have a computer, open the Word of God and type in JOY. And I'm telling you it will change everything you know about depression. Love you. God bless you.

Good morning DAB family, it is Dr. John from Jordan, NY. Today is July 24th which is my 8th DAB birthday. And I actually started listening, July 17, 2007. That's how important that day was to me when I found the DAB on iTunes. And I was speaking to a medical student in my office this month just what a radical change it has been for me in my faith and how I practice medicine ensuring my faith and using spiritual warfare for the benefits of my patients. I'm just amazed at the miracles that occur through this community and it’s just ongoing continuous things since I started to get a list. It just gets overwhelming. James in LA, your pregnancy, the grace of God for your certification for teaching, that was a miracle. Love that. Your son coming - just awesome happens and God says 'I got you.' There are too numerous to count. Dr. Mark - the resolution of your malpractice suits. And it comes as we pray in faith and I think that's one of the greatest things that I have learned here is that we pray with faith, not double-minded, as James would say. So it’s just a fantastic community and I love you guys. I can't tell you enough how I appreciate your prayers for me and my family and I love you guys. It’s awesome. This is a fantastic community. So everybody make it great day, bye-bye.

Good morning DAB. This is Walta calling from Charlotte. Indeed I am a burning bush that will not be consumed for the glory of our God and King. Today I am just calling in to tell you guys how much I love you and how much you mean to me. You're an intricate part of my day. Very many blessings to Brian and his staff and his family and just to all of you calling and all of you who pray without calling in. You guys are superstars. Basically driving today and looking at the trees and how intricate the details are and how God is just so amazing this morning. I have no external reason for feeling this way other than being just filled with God with purpose and knowledge and many blessings this morning. And so I just want to share out those blessings to all of you wherever you are. I pray that God will open your eyes so that you can see his beauty around you and that he is still there with you and that he loves you. Alright guys, I love you very much and thanks all those who call in and sing. It just puts a smile on my face. I love you guys, bye.

Hello, my name is Alex. I've been listening to the Daily Audio Bible for 6 weeks now. I would describe myself as an agnostic. I believe my brain cannot understand, cannot understand if there is a god, if there’s no god. I'm actively trying to reach out to find God. We've been going to this church for a few weeks now and my wife wants to join the church with my kids, but I personally just don't feel like I'm there yet or if I'll ever will be there. All I'm saying is I'm reaching out here and I hope you guys can pray for me that I find what I'm looking for at some point. Thank you.

Hey guys. This is Alleah from Waxahachie, TX. I was just calling because it’s a very, very special day for me today and that day is celebrating my 1st day with you guys. Oh my gosh, how awesome is that. I decided last year, back in August, so it’s pretty much been a journey ever since then, but you guys are pretty awesome and what you do. So anyway, I still need lots of prayer for my family, especially my mom. I know that God has a plan. I'm going to continue to keep running on faith, driven by love. So, I'll let you go. I'll talk to you guys later. I want you to know you're all beautiful. You're all children of God. See you later, bye-bye.

Tamarie 07/29/2015 22:39