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Transforming Love
Transforming Love
(by Harry Wood)

You are involved in the greatest love story ever known. Before the foundations of the world were riveted in place or the stars set aflame in their radiant midnight vigil, the love story had begun. God has loved you without restraint or reservation. His heart has been preoccupied with you.

It was Augustine who once observed that "God loves each of us as though there were only one of us." Just think, for you, Jesus came into the world through the incarnation. For you, Jesus gave His life willingly on the cross of Calvary. For you, Jesus exercised power in His bodily resurrection. For you, Jesus ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of God the Father making intercession. For you, Jesus will come again and receive you unto himself.

Yes, God's provisions are universal [for all who would receive], but they are also very personal. When God's love touches you, it is not a watered down version -- but highly concentrated. Its impact is potent and transforming.

God's love is making you like Him. In fact, when God's love gets through with you, you are likely to be odd -- in a Jesus sort of way!

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" (1 John 3:1a)
Davidwayne Lackey 08/16/2015 19:33

JT 08/17/2015 20:32