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so thankful
with all that I have been through in my life,since a little girl, probably since I was in the womb I was rejected...I AM SO THANKFUL TO GOD for allowing me to become a child of his at the age of 45!!! I am THANKFUL for being introduced to this DAB and the extended family I now havethrough it!
gosh, people, I would love to write a book someday...if even to help one young girl, woman, mom, divorcee or anyone! I have so much to tell, and some would wonder how did I get through it all and never becomes an alcoholic or dependent on a HAPPY PILL to get through!!
I came to Switzerland three weeks before the 9/11 attacks...and I worked in a restaurant in the world financial center...when I would cry myself to sleep at night while still married, I used to think I was supposed to die then and that's why I was suffering, because I had cheated death...but after becoming a believer (through the pains of divorce)I realized GOD SAVEWD ME, sent me here to swissieland because I guess it was all part of his plan. although I have many questions when I see him up close and personal!!!
ok..well just giving out thoughts of thanksgiving...I think we can all have them, no matter how dark life gets at I right!? be blessed everyone!!!
jane marie 09/02/2015 08:17