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WindFarm Prayer Requests
Paraplegic young beautiful Christian.
Please pray for Lindi who broke her back on a Mission Trip. Dr plan to do a very scary, risky but necessary operation on Monday. A large cyst formed on her back and causes terrible spasms. Please also pray for her beautiful family that God will keep them and give them peace and that His perfect will shall be done. May God glorify Himself.
Marina 10/01/2015 10:32

Chris 10/02/2015 08:35
Praying in agreement with you.
JT 10/03/2015 08:50
Praying for Lindi
Marina 10/05/2015 07:36
Thank you for all praying.
Ay Va 10/05/2015 07:46
Praise and Glory to God. No struggles No pain in vain. I pray a healing, I pray God's will be made manifest and Lindi will lean on God and the outcomes will astonish and bring Glory to God and exalt his name. I pray a confidence and peace in the hearts that are pained by Lindi's injury. In Jesus' name. Amen!
Marina 10/06/2015 09:53
Thank the Lord, her Mom says she is at peace after the operation. They are taking good care of her and her pain is under control. The spasms stopped. May God also protect her against any infections and may she heal perfectly. Reveal your glory to the people taking care of her please Lord.
JT 10/06/2015 16:39
Praising God and continuing with prayers.