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WindFarm Prayer Requests
No income for almost 2 months, exhausted 5000. savings for daughter's college tuition first semester,quit unhealthy and abusiv
Praise God in times of abundance and scarcity. I had to quit a job of 12 years after being mocked, humiliated, ostracized, physically threatened, and becoming physically ill. A place that was also bothered and vile to any Christian gestures like "God bless you". Others would describe me as a door mat and pushover. Yes, I am praying and taking personal responsibility for not establishing boundaries. I have to learn since boundaries were non -existent,in a physically abusive home. I have become more scared of people and public spaces more than ever after this job and I am in my late 40's. I have allowed it to stunt my growth. I just could not take it anymore ad quit my job after my daughter graduated high school. I had to let go of my apartment, all of my belongings, and I am staying in different households, I filed an unemployment insurance claim, please pray, that truth, grace and mercy prevails, the investigators approve my claim in Jesus name. In Peace and Gratitude. Amen
Ay Va 10/05/2015 07:27

JT 10/05/2015 19:44
Praying Ay Va
n/c j 10/06/2015 18:44
praying for you ay va ! i pray god will help and show u how to be in peace and heal from the abuse you are strong you will find your confidence again in jesus name.
Christopheaus 10/07/2015 13:47
I feel for you Ay Va. Praying now.
Kathy 10/07/2015 14:55
I'm praying