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WindFarm Prayer Requests
lifting aupervision
hello family please pray for the supervision to be lifted i am reaching out to ny father as she listens to everything he says and i know he supports me. i am lifting up the name of jesus to her and how he brings peace she is digging her heals in even more please pray for an annointing over my ffather and she will know its time to let go and stop chewing me to pieces. ty yes i am choosing not to live in strife with them i am forgiving and still loving on them i need gods grace and a breakthrough in jesus name. ty all....
n/c j 10/05/2015 21:01

myshawnbooker 10/06/2015 08:48
N/C JNSON: Thank you for choosing not to live in strife.
Thank you for choosing to believe
Thank you for knowing God is a forgiving God and His grace is upon you and His favor is upon you as well.
In Him, My
JT 10/06/2015 16:42