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WindFarm Prayer Requests
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Kris 10/12/2015 12:14
Christopheaus 10/27/2015 06:28
Thanks for your prayers. She has to have a repeat endoscopy in a different hospital on friday as they didn't find anything first time but her symptoms are worse and she feels like there is a lump in her throat. I know any 9 year old would worry about his mum but son already worries about people dying so I pray for freedom from this fear for Adam.
I pray that the problem will resolve before Friday and nothing will be found - in the name of Lord Jesus.
myshawnbooker 10/27/2015 13:24
Free from bondage. Health healing.
JT 10/30/2015 17:19
Continuing with prayers
myshawnbooker 10/30/2015 20:16
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Christopheaus 11/05/2015 03:54
Thanks for your prayers. She was not allowed to have the endoscopy because her blood pressure was extremely high. The medication she's having for blood pressure is working but her symptoms as regards her throat are still worsening. Another endoscopy is scheduled for week on Friday. Please pray God's mercy and grace and healing. In the name of our Lord Jesus. Thanks
Christopheaus 11/12/2015 03:44
My son's mum is having her rescheduled endoscopy this afternoon. Please pray with me that she can tolerate the procedure and that with God's guidance they can find out what is causing all her symptoms and that it is something benign. He forgives our iniquities and heals our diseases. In Jesus name I ask this.
Zach Hart 11/12/2015 14:01

I'm lifting your son's mother's health up to the Lord and give him all the glory of a miracle.

Christopheaus 11/12/2015 19:36
The result, I thank God, was that it was a hiatus hernia so nothing too serious and it explains her symptoms. Thanks for prayer - Thankyou God for your goodness and compassion.
JT 11/13/2015 03:42
Praise God!!
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