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WindFarm Prayer Requests
Prayer for a dark time
I am in a dark place and I am double minded. I just ask for prayer that God would set me on a straight path.
davelovessusie 10/13/2015 08:29

Christopheaus 10/13/2015 13:01
Praying for you Dave.
JT 10/13/2015 21:59
Praying Dave
sinner2Saved 10/14/2015 14:55
Praying in our Lord Jesus' name.
Marina 10/15/2015 05:25
Lord you heard the call and your word says you direct the hearts of kings. Lead and strengthen him please. Amen
Kris 10/15/2015 11:47
Praying God will show up in a mighty way and show you the path you should follow. God bless
Janel 10/22/2015 07:48
Jesus You are light and You expel all darkness. Shine Your light into this life. Encourage this person to follow You. You are mighty to save! You are all that is good. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy but greater is He that is in me (and all believers) than he that is in the world!! You have given us the victory!! Hallelujah!! God You rule and reign! May this person put all their hope and faith and trust in You! May they walk in newness of life and declare Your goodness! May they give You praise even now!! I praise You and thank You for Who You are and all You've done and are doing and will do!! You are SO good!!! I love You! I ask this in Jesus name! I also ask that when I go to listen to DAB it would work for me, but I see the blessing in that I go to the Prayer Wall and get to pray instead, please let me get to do both. Amen! Xo
davelovessusie 10/22/2015 09:29
thanks brothers and sisters. I am free. It is good to go through a dark time because in grow. But it is also wonderful to have
brothers and sisters to pray for you and hold you up in that time as it gives strength to the journey. Thank you and God bless each and
everyone of you. I am truly blessed beyond belief
Chris 10/22/2015 18:34
Thanks davelovessusie for replying back! I prayed for you also, but didn't post