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Daily Transcripts
Ezekiel 31:1-32:32 ~ Hebrews 12:14-29 ~ Psalm 113:1-114:8 ~ Proverbs 27:18-20

Today is the 15th of November. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, like every day. It’s great to be here with you today, coming to you from Southern California, down at the bottom of the West Coast near San Diego. Good to be here, bringing Reframe to La Jolla Christian Fellowship and I’ll talk about that in a minute, but it’s nice to be out here. It’s lovely like it always is.

So here we are, the threshold of a brand new, sparkly, shiny, wide open week before us in the scriptures and in our lives. This week we’ll read from the New International Version, pick up where we left off yesterday.


(Speaking of the Proverb): Think about that for a minute. Everyone, it doesn’t matter where we live on this big blue ball of a planet called Earth that we've been gifted with as a place to reside, each of us have issues that we have to deal with, whether they’re internal struggles or whether they’re external to us, just hardship or just the challenge of life, everybody, everybody’s got their stuff. How we deal with that stuff reflects what we really believe about God, what we really trust in, the true condition of our heart. So many times we think that if we could just get the rest of life in order, then we can maintain and nurture our heart. That would be actually backwards to the way things work. It is from the heart that all issues of life flow. That’s according to the scriptures. We’re supposed to guard our heart above all else, and so often we guard all else before we guard our heart so our heart is constantly taking the full blow of life and then all of the swirl of confusion and accusation that comes along with it, and so from our hearts where God is, right? I mean, where do we accept a relationship with God? We say we receive Him into our heart. So what we are articulating is at the core of our identity, in the center of our lives we receive God. So when we’re living from outside (external) inward, rather than guarding our hearts and allowing life to flow outward, it’s confusing and this is where we get sideways and start accusing God of things He hasn’t done or accusing God for things that have happened to us and not owning our part of it at all.

The first central question is “have I guarded my heart?” “Have I walked with God?” “Am I maintaining that connection moment by moment as life comes at me, or am I bowled over like a hurricane and just blowing in the wind all the time, thinking that someday solace will come if I can just work harder and redouble my efforts, become more disciplined in my life and get things in order. Then I can actually find some space to consider my heart and my relationship with God.”
That’s now most people live, but it’s backward and will never work. Life goes outward from our spirit, from our heart, and we must guard it and we must walk with God in it.

As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.


Father, we’re not capable of fully guarding our hearts on our own. We are made for you. We are made to be in relationship with you. We are made to be together with you, with you in our hearts. So we need you to help us guard our heart. We just have to make ourselves present to you before we react and continue the cycle. So we invite your Holy Spirit, come into your hearts. Guard our hearts. Sanctify our hearts. Lead us into Jesus with our hearts. We give you our heart. We trust you with our heart. We’ve trusted lots of other people with our hearts. We’ve even trusted ourselves with our hearts, making all kinds of decisions that have crowded you out of our hearts. We’re done with that. It doesn’t work. It never will work. We’re tired of the frustration. We’re tired of the see-sawing back and forth and back and forth. We’re tired of the accusation. We’re tired of the confusion, all the things that have happened along the way because we’ve closed our hearts to you. We can’t guard our heart without you in it, so we invite you fully, in every way, in every decision, in every posture, in every choice, in every conversation, in every action. We need you there, which means we need you in our hearts. Come Holy Spirit into our hearts and lead us into all truth, we pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Announcements is home base. It’s the website. It is absolutely where you find out what’s going on around here and what’s going on around here is the Reframe Tour. We’re out here in southern Southern California, in the San Diego area, looking forward to being with La Jolla Christian Fellowship this morning, and this will conclude the Reframe Tour for 2015. We’ll pick up and do some more cities next year, but this will conclude for this year; so especially looking forward to it, to being together with those of you in the area, looking forward to meeting you, so come on out.
In other Reframe news: I’ve been mentioning this month that the audio edition of Reframe has been released. It’s a CD audio edition so you can pop it in your car or you can rip it into your phone, you know, like pop it into your iTunes and transfer it to your phone and listen away. I think Reframe audio edition is… Well, I got to read the audio edition and so it was an opportunity for me to speak it like I wrote it, to speak it like I feel it, so I definitely recommend that. is the place to go. There are links to all kinds of retailers where you can get the audio edition or the book edition if you’re just a book reader or the digital book edition if that’s what you do as well as the Reframe films. Those are available at All things Reframe are at so check it out.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at the There’s a link. It’s in the upper right-hand corner of the home page. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

Of course, as always, If you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

That’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hi Daily Audio Bible family. It is James here from the UK, calling for two things: Calling with a praise report because I know some of you in your grace have been praying for my mum and my dad, for Steven and for Marilyn this year. Dad is making really good progress after a really significant stroke the beginning of the year and it is quite incredible because most of the advice that we have had from medical experts is that he wouldn’t really be able to get back to walking again, and he’s starting to walk! In fact, he’s starting to walk really well. And the other day he actually, with the physiotherapist’s help, with the help of 2 physiotherapists, I should have said, he actually managed to climb all the way to the top of mum and dad’s staircase. That is just a momentous thing and I wanted to let you guys know, because God is so in that! And to those that have been praying and have just been supporting me, encouraging me and my dad and my mum, I just wanted to let you know, because there’s still a lot of work to do, but it’s amazing how far God has brought dad. Thank you so much for your prayer. I also wanted to pray for Corrie from New Haven. I heard your situation on the DAB today and I am praying for you and I just want you to know that I think you have really been wrestling with God regarding your marriage, and I’ve also had some challenges this year from God about my marriage and the way things stand with my wife. We have had some really scary difficult discussions, and it’s a hard thing to do, but coming off the back of those difficult discussions, there has been an amazing release of grace, of love.

Hello family Dabbers. This is Timothy P. from Edinburgh in Scotland. I want to reach out to all those who are struggling in marriage and give you a verse. Ecclesiastes 4:12: Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Give everything to the Lord. Put the Lord central to your marriage, and look to Him for blessings. I also want to reach out to La Jolla for this Sunday for the Reframe. I was blessed enough to be with Brian and Jill and family on Iona, which is referenced in the Reframe book, and I was blessed also to meet up with Adam, the pastor at La Jolla; so the great link there is all through the Lord working through DAB. Perseverance and blessed assurance to everyone. Thank you. Bye.

Good morning DAB family. This is Jocelyn in Atlanta. I’m just calling in with a praise report. I want to thank God for giving me another year of life. This is my birthday month and I’m also wrapping up my 4th year with the DAB which is just awesome. And on my birthday, I got a raise at work for my review, so that was a really great birthday present and things are going well. There’s always challenges but I just thank God for His faithfulness and always standing by our side and giving us encouragement and helping to fill us with hope when things seem difficult and it’s just awesome. I would like to lift up one of my friend’s daughters in prayer. Her name is Talliana and she is only 4, and she has been sick just nonstop with ear infections and fever and vomiting and it’s just every single week she’s been sick for the past month. So I just ask that God would heal her immune system and strengthen her immune system and help her to be well and to be with my friend Elena as she’s being such a great mom with her. And I pray for all of you, that God would speak to your heart and that He would draw you near and that you would be open and receptive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Love you all. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Talk to you soon. Bye.

Dabbers, this is Walta calling from Charlotte. Indeed I am a burning bush and will not be consumed for the glory of our God and King. Yesterday I was listening to the prayer requests and I heard Blind Tony’s poem and it was so encouraging, I was thinking ‘man, I want to email him and tell him that, really, you made my day!’ and then right after that he gave a shout out to me. So that really, really, really made my day. I love you all. I guess the news I have so far is that immigration contacted my husband and said that they will respond and let us know what the result of his processing is and would let us know before the new year; so basically they said 30 to 60 days, so I calculated that would be before the new year. So praise God for that, at least we heard something from them. And I am feeling the nudge to start or restart in a ministry that I was involved in in Arizona, ‘Unchained Generation,' basically raising awareness about human trafficking and just trying to fight human trafficking from the safe side. So yesterday it just strong upon my heart to start something in Charlotte, so my first assignment to myself is to find like-minded organizations. So just pray with me on that, and also I’m going to start writing again, but anyway, I’m probably out of time, so I love you guys, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

Hi, this is Liam from Springville in Utah. I’ve called before about how my brother’s dad (and my brother’s name is Harry), his dad is named Ralph and he’s in hospital right now with pneumonia. He has lung cancer, so my brother texted me from England and said that he’s having trouble breathing and he might not last too long, so I texted my brother and quoting a prayer for him to lay hands on his dad, but my brother’s not exactly a believer and I'm not there to do anything; so I just ask you to join with me and pray for Ralph, that ultimately he’s saved before he leaves this earth. It would be best that he does get healed physically and doesn’t die. Anyway, my poor brother, if you could lift him up because also his mom (my mom), she couldn’t be there today in hospital because she’s having chemotherapy because she’s fighting cancer also. So I just ask you to pray for Ralph, Harry my brother, my mom Esther; and lift them all up for something good to happen. I’ll call you back as soon as I know something. I love you all and thank you for this prayer line. Thanks Brian. I love you. Bye.
Tamarie 11/17/2015 14:55