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Daily Transcripts
Ezekiel 39:1-40:27 ~ James 2:18-3:18 ~ Psalm 118:1-18 ~ Proverbs 28:2

Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. Today is November 19th. Man, the weeks just fly by, don’t they? So here we are. Man, we’re past the middle point. It's about to be Thanksgiving then it's going to be Black Friday and Cyber Monday and it's going to be Christmas and it's going to be New Year's. But before we get ahead of ourselves, we need to decide we’re not going to get bowled over by all that. We certainly will go through it and enjoy it, but the rhythm of our lives is to immerse ourselves in the scriptures and allow God to set the pace in our lives. So that's what we’ll do. That's what we do every day. So from the New International Version, we’ll read.


Alright, so you see what I'm talking about with the book of James? He is very direct and very bold and it is very needed. So today he talks about this little thing that lives behind our teeth called our tongues and how it is like a wild animal untamed. We’ve been able to tame a lot of things in this world, but the tongue, that is a different story. What a great forest is set on fire by a small spark, he says. The tongue is also a fire. I believe that there is nobody listening to me today that doesn’t know that is true. We’ve burnt it down lots of times with our tongues, right? We’ve been caught in the crossfire in the past and we’ve been in a forest that got burned down by a little spark.

Isn’t that strange? Just the wrong inflection, just the wrong order of words can start a war in our marriage, in our home, in our church, in our office or just at random, in just a chance encounter with somebody you don’t even know. Somebody can do something a little off and then the words fly and next thing you know you have this kind of war with somebody you don’t even know. You don’t know their story. You don’t know anything about them.

The tongue – it’s a powerful thing. You don’t need me to explain that, but we do have to consider are we willing to praise Jesus for his goodness and his kindness and his sacrifice and our salvation and curse his creation with the same mouth? I mean, are we willing to thank God for his many blessings and shred our wives or our husbands or our children with the same mouth? James says it simply and bluntly and truthfully. This shouldn’t be going on, brothers and sisters. This isn’t how this is supposed to work. Fresh water and saltwater can’t flow from the same spring. This shouldn’t happen.

So you don’t need me to explain all of this. I'm just pointing it out for all of us. We shouldn’t do that. It's not right. It's definitely not putting our faith into action. So we have to ask ourselves today, tomorrow, next week, the next time all that stuff churns up, you know, when we get that little mini rage going when something has gone not according to our plan and somebody has interfered with it, maybe he didn’t do what you asked him to do or she did that again or they won't conform in this way or whatever and that comes up inside of us and we’re ready to go off, may we remember we’re about to spark something, a little spark. Are we willing to burn down such a great forest with such a small spark? Is that what this is all about? Or are we here to call the four winds, the breath of life into what was dead, long dead? We get the choice. We can burn it down or we can raise it up because we have something really powerful. It's the tongue. It causes us to speak. We are created in the image of the Almighty God and when he speaks things get created. What are we going to create?


Father, we’ve been willing to burn it down. We’ve also been willing to raise it up and we’re a mixed bag in that. James in his letter is saying it really shouldn’t go that way. That is not how it should be, saltwater and fresh water flowing from the same spring. The thing is, we can’t really control ourselves sometimes. We don’t have the power. We think we’re in total control of ourselves and we want our autonomy and we want our freedom, but without your guidance and your counsel and your presence in our lives, all we do is make a mess. Really all we do is make a mess. So we invite you, come. Holy Spirit, come. We give you access to our tongue. We give you access to the thoughts and intents of the heart that then bubble up and form the words that we shoot out of our mouths like bullets or like flowers. Help us. Come. We give you access. We give you control because we certainly don’t have it. Come Holy Spirit, we pray, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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That's it for today. I'm Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Praise Reports and Prayer Requests

Hello and good morning Daily Audio Bible family. I'm calling this morning. This is Jay calling from New Jersey to pray for anyone dealing with any level of selfishness. Philippians 2:3-4 declares that we do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit and with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves and not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which also was in Christ Jesus. I'm guilty of this more than any of you out there. I am sure of that. Holy Father, we come before you now in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Omnipotent God, we thank you now for the opportunity to come before you and pray and beseech you, Father, for deliverance from any form of selfishness. Father, we pray that you will come upon us in your Holy Spirit and convict us over this sinful act. God, we deeply and earnestly and humbly, with a burning desire in our hearts, God, desire to be delivered from this desire to care only for ourselves and only for our own interests and only for what matters to us. Father, we desire to adhere to your precious Word. We desire to do what you want us to do and we now submit ourselves, God, to your perfect will. We pray this in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Daily Audio Bible family, I struggle with selfishness. I’m sure some of you do as well. I discovered this today as I was reading God's Word and this is not right no matter what it is. No matter what it is.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is Ozzie James in Japan calling. I just want to thank everybody for your prayers and especially my sister Biola, the prayer warrior. Thank you so much. An amazing thing just happened the other day. One of the ladies who has been coming along to our church since about 2011 just asked to be baptized the other day and this will be the first baptism we have had in our church since 2012. Yes, Japan is a hard ground, but God is working and so tomorrow she is going to be giving her testimony at church, which is Sunday the 15th, and then the following Sunday we are going to be having a baptism service out in the river. Yes, at this time of year. So just pray that everything goes well with that. Thank you my Daily Audio Bible family. Love you all. James in Japan.

Greetings Daily Audio Bible prayer warriors. This is Dan and I sincerely and severely need your prayers over my marriage, over our marriage. What I thought was an old-fashioned fight and freeze out apparently was more because her first response when we finally sat down was to ask for a separation and I was a bit gobsmacked as I thought we were just waiting for an opportune time to air grievances. But she has moved into a different room in the house but has not completely separated as we have a child. She seems willing to keep that in the conversation thus far and she is not asking for a divorce yet, but I need your prayers. I need the prayers over my heart and over her heart as she says it has grown cold and I just really, really need to hear God right now as it has been a long while. So please, hear this prayer for me and I covet your intercession for both of us. In Jesus’ name.

Hey Dabbers, this is Slave of Jesus in North Carolina. Holy Spirit, let's roll! Lord, we ask you to watch over Icky and Freddy. Lord, we ask you to keep them safe. We ask you to protect them from all evil that is trying to happen in their lives. In Jesus’ name. Brother Seeker, I haven’t heard from you in a while. Hope you call back in. Hope you're keeping up the fight. Brent, Lord, we ask help him. He wants a closer walk with you, God, so we ask you to give him the wisdom of how to do that, in Jesus’ name. And Lord, watch over Roger and his marriage. We lift up his marriage. Eighteen years of marriage is nothing to throw away and we know what your Word says that you want us to stay together, so was ask for a miracle in his life in this marriage, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Just finished Reframe and I'm going to read my favorite paragraph. Of course, it's about battling. This is the fair picture of the resolve it is going to take. There is a thief and a destroyer stalking us, attempting to steal away every morsel of nutrition that would give us life. We have to believe that he would steal our lives from us if permitted. We have to be willing to draw the line here before the next page and decide that those days are over. We have to be willing to fight to get our lives back and the way we fight is with scripture, the Word of God. Get yourself a battle scripture and learn how to use it, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Finally, Rick from Massachusetts, good to hear from you. And Richard from Canada, thank you for the protection. Lord, we ask you to watch over Richard in Canada. We ask you to watch over his sons, Dave and Matthew, and bring them back to Jesus. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Hi, this is Amy in far east Tennessee. I used to be Amy in Columbus, GA. I’ve only called once since my husband died September 2013, once or twice, and I called back in June and checked in and said hello. I actually have a prayer request this time. A couple, actually. I started journaling my prayers recently and it has become a pretty effective way of living for me, but once I started journaling my prayers, I’ve been led to quit my job. I work dealing cards in a casino and I really started struggling with what I'm doing for a living for some reason. I'm not feeling like I'm serving a purpose. I don’t know. It's just become very uncomfortable and I stepped out on a limb. I'm resigning without even having another job. I'm just going on my faith and I would like prayer for that. I really want prayer for that. Please. And secondly, I got notice that the IRS is auditing me starting with the year that my husband did die and I'm scared. I’ve talked to them. They’ve been very pleasant. I don’t think it is something that they want to do. It is just that I popped up in a computer for the year that he died. I'm scared. I’ve never been through anything like this and I could certainly use some prayers for that. Brian, today is November 14th and your comments and words about faith building a bridge and think more towards your eternal life, it really hit home with me today and I can’t thank you enough. It has never really been put to me quite like you put it today and it means the world. Love all of you. Hope all of you are well. Praying for each and every one of you. God bless.

Okay Daily Audio Bible, this is Rebecca from Michigan and it is November 15th. You know what you guys? I signed up on e-Harmony, so could you pray that God would put me with somebody? I know God knows where everybody is. He knows the hair count on our heads and he knows the best match for me and he knows where all the jobs are and he knows how to set you up with a job. He knows where all the money is to pay your bills. He knows where all the food is that you can eat and he knows where all the clothes are so you have something to wear. God knows where everything is. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, so please pray for me that God would bring someone in my life because he knows where they person is, the right person set for my life. Because you know what? I don’t want to date or court. I want the person that God has planned for me, has picked out. That is what I want. So I want the person to be led to feel it in his heart that this is it. I'm the one or he's the one. You know, like a click, like when John the Baptist was in the belly of Elizabeth and Jesus came and she felt a leap in her stomach. I just want him to leap in his heart, that he knows that I'm the one. That's it. I know our relationship with God is the most important thing and when you look up to him for the rest of your life, then, too, relationships will be good and equally yoked and as one. Thank you, Daily Audio Bible.
Tamarie 11/19/2015 08:57