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WindFarm Prayer Requests
As we embark on a new chapter in our life
Please I am humbly asking for your prayers for me and my husband.

We are relocating from the USA to the island country where my husband is from. His mom/my mother inlaw have a business there. She is 76 years old. She have always talked about my husband and I running the business for her because she is tired and need more time for herself.

Please pray for me as we embark on this new chapter in our life. Please pray for me to have lots and lots of patience and understanding with my mother in law, because she thinks that it's ok to say whatever that comes to her mouth, even though it cause hurt feelings. It would not be so bad if it was the truth, but she tells lots of lies. She will take your words and twist them around for her own benefit. she constantly says mean things and she talks bad about the majority of people she comes in contact with.

My husband knows this, and he have first hand knowledge of her lies with reference towards me. He tells me to ignore her because she is old. How much can a person ignore when they are in the lions den.

With that being said, my mother in law professed to be a Christian, a woman of God. Please also pray for her that she sees the error of her ways and be more Christlike.

Praying for Gods hands on all of us. Amen

Blessed_Highly_Favrd 11/27/2015 05:02

Tom B 11/27/2015 08:00
Paying with you!

Robster49er 11/28/2015 08:25
JT 11/29/2015 19:21
Praying Blessed...
Kris 12/01/2015 14:28
I pray God's favor over your move.