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WindFarm Prayer Requests
Tossed by waves of doctrine
Dear Family,
Four years ago I helped to start a new community of faith(aka: church). It was a community that valued people and the gospel message of grace. My comment coming in was "I don't want to play church, I want to "follow Christ". About two years ago, the pastor message took a slight turn and concentrated on the "finished work of Christ and the New Covenant". I believe totally that our sins have been nailed to the cross and we bear them no more - not even the future sins - but there is no teaching of "following Christ" anymore, just "resting in His finished work". I have wrestled with this doctrine for quite a while now. Please pray that God's direction for me will be made clear as to whether I stay or leave, and that the Word will be rightly divided in our pulpit and our community groups Familiar teachings of Christ are now described as being only to the Jews to show them how far they were from salvation, rather that as also an example of what living by the covenant of Grace should look like. The teaching also includes the statement that when we sin now (after salvation) that it is not us sinning, but only our flesh. We have been severed from the flesh 'now' - and not at our physical death - so, in essence, we are not sinning. We cannot sin because we are joined to Christ. I guess this only makes any sense if we are a two-part being (body-spirit), rather than a three-part being (body-soul-spirit)?

At any rate, I would fail miserably to describe to you the new message being taught. I still just want to "follow Christ", to love Him above all others. I need to find peace in this situation. It is zapping my joy.

Thank you, Brian, for being the constant message of God's unending Grace to this world. May God richly bless you and your sweet family. May you continue to be a beacon of truth in the murky fog of this world's teachings. I love you dearly - and this community of faith. (5 or 6 year listener - first time request)

God Bless you ALL!
Lela 12/05/2015 06:37

JT 12/06/2015 07:13
Prayers Lela
Lewis 12/07/2015 09:29

We battle against the "flesh" and the "spirit". 1 John 1: 5-10 was written to Christians on how to deal with sin. I believe to over come sin we need to surrender to the power of the Holy Spirit. We will be free from sin when are united with Christ in heaven. I believe that we as followers of Christ are never sinless but we can sin less. We choose daily whether we walk in the "flesh" or the 'Spirit. Ephesians 5:15-21 teaches us to live carefully, to be wise, to make most of every opportunity and not be lusting for things of the world. We are to daily "be filled with Holy Spirit." God hates sin and wants us to deal with. Grace does give us the right to continue sinning. I think you already know what to do. When a another gospel is preached you need to flee. Find a church that preaches the gospel. The Holy Spirit revealed a truth to you. I will pray the pastor will repent of this error. It is dangerous. I believe he is teaching comes from Romans 7:7-25. Paul is struggle with the sin nature which the law reveals. However Romans 8 teaches us how not to be controlled by the sinful nature.

Pastor Lewis
Davidwayne Lackey 12/07/2015 16:38

Pastor Lewis said it well, Lela.

As long as we are in the flesh we have the struggle with our sin nature. Paul openly confessed to this very thing within himself in his letter to the Romans. If we had no sin or possibility of sin thereafter Paul's letter to the Romans would never have been made. We would not have to take up our cross or anything else up daily since there would be nothing to take it up for. We would be perfect.
To go and sin no more is to go and not sin on purpose anymore, not a statement with respect to, "live a perfect sinless life", which The Lord knows is impossible for us puny humans. If that were the case there would be no need for Jesus to die on the cross as a once and for all perpetual sacrifice for sin. We would all be condemned for failing just once after excepting Jesus as our savior. Where then is forgiveness and why give it only once till you sin again condemning for eternity. Thank God Jesus is the propitiation for our sinful nature, as Paul penned it.
Helga 12/09/2015 00:39
Lela I agree with Pastor Lewis and Davidwayne. I pray that God will fill you with wisdom and courage to do the right choice. I think you have to enjoy the church you are in and be the light in the dark. Lord Jesus I pray for Your Holy Spirit to encourage, guide and comfort Lela
Lela 12/10/2015 08:50
Thanks, everyone. Please continue in prayer for me as I look for a way to love and find a way to leave this community of faith. I care for the people dearly. Paster Lewis, Davidwayne, Helga - I appreciate you taking the time to respond. You beliefs are the same as mine have been - thanks for reaffirming God's truth to me.
God Bless.
Kris 12/10/2015 13:50
Lela, I could not stay in that church. Yes, Christ died on the cross for our sins but HE also taught us how to live. Davidwayne and Pastor Lewis gave you the perfect examples of how we should live our lives. There is no "get our of jail" free card. All our works here on earth are important and we must strive not to sin. When we do we must repent and ask the Lord's forgiveness.