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WindFarm Prayer Requests
Pray for our son...
hello all,

It has been a long while since I have felt the need to place a prayer request here. Our son dated a girl for about a year and she was from the exact opposite of our family - very emotional, very manipulative. he broke up with her a little over a month ago - having finally felt unable to deal with the instability any longer. He was in good spirits which pleased us - because we were very concerning for his emotional well-being. About a week ago - he was with some other employees at his employer and the other employees made vulgar gestures at the security camera and everyone that was in the room got fired, including my son- the one other employee even claimed he took up for my son and said that he shouldn't be fired because he didn't do anything - but he got the call yesterday that his position was terminated due to a "security investigation". he bragged about this employer. it is a VERY hard job - We have been very surprised at how long he was staying there - he had no intentions of leaving anytime soon - he even signed up for their benefits for the upcoming year. I know when you hear about something bad happening that - everyone says - oh they were such a good boy. I certainly don't believe my son never makes any mistakes - but really quite frustrated by this situation. I feel like it is bothering me more than him. We paid for an item the other night because he was getting a check this week for working 62 hours last week. Now it is putting me in a bit of a bind that he is not picking up his check today as expected and while i know that they have to pay him - so it should get mailed - you are really at their mercy for when that happens. I guess at this point - I am just so shocked that these decisions have been made. He doesn't seem to want to fight to get his job back because their supervisors are such jerks that they will just punish him. our son-in-law works there too - and he concurs that in our son's area - yes the supervisors are jerks. We helped him file unemployment compensation last night because he swears he did nothing wrong. he has a truck - so auto insurance - youthful driver and will need gas - so pray either truth comes to light and he gets his job back or he finds another one. thanks
JULIA MI 12/11/2015 09:22

womanforchrist 12/11/2015 15:49
Your son is blessed to have caring parents.
I will pray God uses this trial to draw your son nearer to Jesus. Remember God has your son in His hands through the valleys and the hill tops...
blessings to you and your family.
Jeremiah 29:11 for your son.....
JULIA MI 12/11/2015 18:37
thank you womanforchrist - I was home when he got home from work in the morning and he was fine - even mentioned that he already had 40 hours and the next 2 days were overtime. So I decided since he has been working 6 days/63 hours a week for the past couple of weeks - I would put the Christmas lights back up (he always does it - he really enjoys doing it - and we had to take them down for a friend to powerwash the house - so I wanted to surprise him with doing the garage doors and porch so he only had to do the roof to the end of the house - which is too high - I refuse to do that.) He came out around 1:30 after he slept for a couple hours to see what I was doing and when he came out - I could just read on his face something was wrong and I said - what's wrong and he just immediately broke down crying and said he got fired (a supervisor who isn't even a direct supervisor made sure he called at a time when he would probably be sleeping and left a voicemail). I hugged him - I said - why - what happened and he told me about the camera and he was in the room, but they fired him too even though he didn't do anything. We have always stressed honesty to our children and I said - are you sure - did they show you the video and he said yes - and he doesn't know what they would be firing him for - but they did just because he was in the room. At this point - I am trying to talk him into filing a grievance - and helping him apply for jobs - but we are very concerned about this affecting him getting work again and into the future. when he came to this decision about his girlfriend - we were proud about how he went about it. And like I said - I'm not saying he is perfect - but he was so hurt and I really believe he is telling the truth - because usually when I do the - "are you sure" he knows that is last chance with Mom to allow the truth to set you free. After we discussed it - I tried to encourage him- I said you know what - when God closes a door -he usually opens a better one - so pray. I would really like to find a business that I could start that would need around 4-5 employees to employ him and my oldest daughter, myself and my husband because they are all working jobs that are hard on their bodies - my husband is going to the chiropractor multiple times a week and it takes a lot of time away from our family time and impacts our finances.
JT 12/13/2015 06:59
Praying Julia