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WindFarm Prayer Requests
I have to lose weight
This might sound as a small subject, but I feel worse and worse over this... I got my 6th child in July and he's adorable. Don't get me wrong - he's worth everything, of course. But I wish and hope that you will pray for me that I lose weight. I always gain weight after childbirth. Maybe it's my hormons, I don't know. I just know that it has to stop now before it gets out of control and I get eating disorders and depression. I try to do right but nothing happens. I knew this would come because this is the pattern for me. Unfortunately.

I also want to thank you for your prayers for me and my family. God bless you
Soloside 12/11/2015 16:39

JULIA MI 12/11/2015 18:06
be sure to enjoy the little one - we have been trying for a long time for #4 and it hasn't happened and I really think I am probably too old at this point - but I will pray for you to lose weight - but your time with the babies and stages of growing up - you never get back - so be sure to savor while you can which it sounds like you are - but just trust God for the timing of weight loss!!
JT 12/13/2015 07:00
Praying solo side.
Jewlz Barker 12/13/2015 07:30
I'll be praying that you find the strength to make the changes needed to lose weight. Do be kind to yourself being a mother is a tough job especially solo :)
JS 12/14/2015 12:01
Soloside, I'm praying for you.

I have struggled with this myself for years, so I can relate to your issue. In fact, there are millions of us with this issue, so you are not alone. For me, finally, with the Lord's help, I have been able to lose weight- and I'm praying you can too. Find a plan and let Jesus help you. God bless.

Maggie 12/25/2015 13:59
Dear Soloside,
Father I ask on behalf of Soloside that you give wisdom regarding what to eat and that You provide support from those in her life so that she can have the time to do some activity--walking or whatever she likes--each day. I ask that you help her to accept who she is at this point and help set small goals instead of trying to take the whole thing at one time. Help her to develop long term habits that will support a healthy weight. Help her to set small goals for achievement and to identify healthy habits that will help to achieve those goals on a daily basis. Above all, Lord, help her to accept herself as she is, the way you see her and the beauty of her spirit as You see her because of the shed blood of Jesus. She is accepted in the beloved, a daughter of the King, with joy every morning and a new opportunity to participate in furthering the kingdom of God on earth each day. Pour out your love on her, Lord, and let your peace flow through her in the Holy name of Jesus.
Helovesme 12/28/2015 11:08
Dear Soloside,
I am praying for you! Something that helped me a lot is a book called The Daniel Fast. Hopefully it will be a blessing to you also. I pray for deliverance for you as I did for myself, from the burden and bondage of your situation, God knows the details. Know that He loves you so much, and as you pray for healing, I believe He will reveal to you the way to freedom.
Helovesme 12/28/2015 11:17
Lots of veggies, chicken and fish, not so much bread, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, soda. Light exercise like walking, stretching, pilates, don't over do it since you're already maxed out with child care.