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Daily Transcripts
Amos 7:1-9:15 ~ Revelation 3:7-22 ~ Psalm 131:1-3 ~ Proverbs 29:23

Today is the 12th of December. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian who is adjusting his headphones just to kind of get buckled in here, locked and loaded, ready to greet this end of the week and this middle of the month and this push toward Christmas Day that we are all in the vortex of as we contemplate the arrival of the savior of mankind. It's wonderful to be here with you today. We’ve been reading from the God’s Word Translation this week.


Father, we thank you for another week in your word. We’ve begun a relationship with your word that is the rhythm of our lives now. We’ve traveled many months to get to this point in this year as a community and we’re grateful. We can see the end of the year. We can see the finish line. But it is also a starting point, a starting line, because every revolution through the word is a revolution in our lives. As we sit here moving toward this day where we celebrate that you came for us, that you became one of us, that you loved us so profoundly that you came to be with and among and one of us, it's the great mystery that we celebrate and rejoice in. So we’re thankful. In this season there is a lot of busyness, there is plenty of anxiety, there is plenty that just disrupts us and takes us emotionally to places that we don’t normally go. We invite you into all of that because none of this is purposeless. We can waste it or we can invite you into all of the experiences that we have, all of the highs and lows, all of the things that we do and say. So Jesus, you are welcome. We invite you into everything. Come Holy Spirit, we pray in your name, amen.

Announcements is home base. It's the website. It's where you find out what’s going on. It's Christmastime and so you probably have it memorized – the Christmas Box is available. We still have a few of those left. Definitely jump in and grab them while we’ve got them. It's chockfull of fantastic resources that you can find at in the shop.

The Daily Audio Bible Christmas cards are available, so if you are a Christmas card sending person, we have those available as well. It's a beautiful way to invite a person, and as we approach the finish line in this year, there is a start line for next year and it is a wonderful way to invite those that you love, that you care about, that you are in community with to take the journey with you, the one that begins on the 1st of the year.

We’re also preparing for our Daily Audio Bible Christmas. You certainly can and should call in your holiday greetings – (877) 942-4253 is the number. It's a familiar number because it's the prayer line, so the only thing to remember is if you're calling in a holiday greeting or a Christmas wish to the community that you’ve gone through the Bible with this year, just don’t combine that with a prayer request. Make those separate calls if you have a prayer request. But be sure to call in your Christmas greetings as we get ready to prepare the Daily Audio Bible Family Christmas.

Then there is the More Gathering, our women's conference that happens in April and makes for a truly remarkable, unique, one-of-a-kind Christmas gift. You can check that out at as well.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in this season, then I thank you deeply, humbly, profoundly. There is a link in the upper right-hand corner of the home page or, if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment or Christmas greeting, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hey, Brad in Livingston, MT, this is Dr. John in Jordan, NY. Brother, I just want you to understand that you keep fighting for your marriage. I know it is hard and I know that you feel like you're just…you are under attack and it's sucking all the energy out of you. So continue to fight. God put you in there for a reason and unfortunately lots of times that means that we give up ourselves and we have to not do things that we want to do in order to do what God has put us in a place to do. So keep fighting for your marriage. All you guys out there that are in difficult marriages and your wife is threatening divorce, you keep fighting because that is what God has made us to do as men, to fight and be a warrior. Brad, go for it and keep up the fight, brother. Bye-bye.

Hello Daily Audio family, Rick from Massachusetts. It's December 8th and I'm calling in to muster all the prayer warriors to pray for the 13-year-old daughter of the first caller. The mom said this young girl was contemplating suicide and even had a plan. Dear woman, know that we are praying, but also know it is time to arm for this battle. The Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge. The knowledge to win this battle is in the scriptures. The answers are in the Word of God, the Bible. First of all, we must recognize we have an enemy. He is Satan, the devil and John 10:10 says he comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. He's out to destroy us. If we don’t recognize this, we are lambs heading for slaughter. Genesis 3:1 says he is more crafty and subtle than any living creature. He is deceptive. He embodies deception. He is a liar. Nothing he says is truth. Now, we know his only weapon is deception so we need to know how to fight. First know that Jesus loves us unconditionally. When we accept him as Lord and Savior, we get his covering, his righteousness, his benefits. We overcome the devil by presenting Jesus. Just say Jesus and he runs. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 speaks about weapons. We must take the lies of the false gods about us captive and cast them back to hell, their source. Mom, your daughter needs to know she is a child of God, formed in your womb by God for his purposes. He has a purpose for her, to do good things that he planned before her birth – Ephesians 2:10. Jesus has defeated the devil. We need to know how to walk in that victory. Victory is through the knowledge of the scriptures through Jesus alone.

Hey, Daily Audio Bible, I wanted to share a little bit of my testimony with you, Rebecca from Michigan. I'm thinking about getting rebaptized because when I was 8 years old I accepted Christ because I wanted a friend, because what a friend we have in Jesus, and when I was 11 I got baptized and I accepted the Spirit of God when I was 14. Then I went to a Bible college, met this person on drugs and alcohol who wanted to put me on street corners, who set me up and who was on drugs and alcohol and they told me they did this to me because a tragedy had happened to me. I had a baby by this person, which is 29 years old which I kept because they told me to have an abortion or put it up for adoption. The baby is a 29-year-old daughter and she is married and I have a 9-month baby granddaughter, so God is restoring my life a lot and renewing my life. I'm like 50 years old and I’ve been really feeling like I want to get rebaptized as a renewal of my spirit. I know people who renewed their vows in their marriage. It's kind of like that, restoring your life. I was reading Colossians 3:1-17 about people that weren’t with the Lord and then come back to them, so you guys, if you’ve ever been rebaptized, I’d like to hear your testimony and your story. Could you pray for me? Thank you. I am Broken and Baptized Again. Thank you, you guys. I love you. Bye.

Hi, good morning family. I want to pray for some people. Chante, I want to pray for you. I know you called a little while back and you talked about all your needs. You have a lot of bills and your husband needs employment. I know he was going to be a truck driver and he decided he didn’t want to do it, so I just want you to know that I am praying for you and your provision and that God will bless you and your family. Drew in the Bay Area, I just want to let you know that I am praying for you and young Drew. I'm praying for your employment and I'm just praying that God will bless both of you in the direction he wants you to be. I just want to say amen out load because I know that is what you want to hear. I always do say it. Then right now I also want to pray for Rob in Nashville. Rob, I heard your prayer request and I'm kind of in the same boat you are, so if you want to pray for me, I’ll pray for you on a daily basis as well. I am having surgery tomorrow, which is December 9th, shoulder surgery. I have been out of work for 5 months hoping that the shoulder would heal. It has not healed, so I'm going in and having surgery. I’ve had a lot of problems in the last few years it seems like. I don’t know why, but I just want to pray for you to be out of pain and for your bones to heal correctly. I just ask for your prayers for my healing of my shoulder as well. I’ve also had foot surgery, ankle surgery, and I need prayer for that too. It's not healing. It's been a long time now. God bless you all. God bless you Brian and Jill, the entire Hardin family. I love this family and I just thank you all for all your prayers. May you all be blessed now in this holiday season and forever. This is Kim from California. Bye-bye.

Hi, my name is Tim. Email: First time caller. It's December 8th. Listened to today's podcast, loved it. Loved it. Always do. Wanted to get through in a year this time. Just starting up again. It's been a couple years. But anyway, Robin in Victor, NY, the grandmother, I'm praying for your grandson Jude and for your son Jacob and his wife Katie, that God would do a miracle and his will would be that this baby is healed. Susie in Iowa, maybe get a hold of me about your husband's stressful job. So I want to pray for a friend that is a missionary that I am in love with. We are just friends right now, but she is going to a mission trip for Christmas and I want to pray that God just miraculously provides all of her needs that are needed for that trip, that he guides her and keeps her in the center of his perfect will. And I pray that I can become a man that is half the warrior and servant of God that she is. That is my desire, to be a missionary full time and to give as much as I can give out of my life to widows and orphans. I have not done a good job, but I desire to do that job. That is my goal. That is my training and that is the way I want to live my life. I pray that God provides everything needed for that. I thank you for your prayers. I love you guys so much, every one of you. I love hearing the prayers. Thank you, Brian. God bless. In Jesus’ name.

Tamarie 12/12/2015 09:24