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Daily Transcripts
Obadiah 1:1-21 ~ Revelation 4:1-11 ~ Psalm 132:1-18 ~ Proverbs 29:24-25

Today is the 13th of December. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. Great to be here with you as we start another of our weeks together and there are only a couple of those left in this year, if you can believe that. But there is still much for us in the scriptures. So this week we’ll read from The Message and we’re beginning the book of Obadiah today and we’ll read the whole thing.

Introduction of a New Book (Old Testament)

Obadiah is 21 verses long. It's the shortest book in the Old Testament and yet it deals with a very long running family issue. Contained in this one chapter is a prophesy of the complete destruction and doom of the Edomites. If we look back on the beginning of our adventure through the Bible this year, we’ll remember the story of Jacob and Esau. Jacob's descendants became the children of Israel and Esau’s descendants became the Edomites and they were forever in conflict. When God delivered the children of Israel from slavery and bondage in Egypt, the Edomites would not allow them to pass through their land on the way to the Promised Land. At other points in history, when Israel was being attacked and overrun, the Edomites stood by silent. God reached the end of his patience and through the prophet Obadiah predicts their utter destruction.

We have good application for this today, too, because although we’ve been redeemed by the blood of Jesus and have been made children of Israel therefore making us all family, all too often we see brothers and sisters at war with one another or standing by silently as brothers and sisters are destroyed before our eyes. Perhaps they’re getting what they deserve in our judgment. The book of Obadiah shows a very clear picture of how God feels about that.


Oh Father, we receive that here in this season, this third Sunday of Advent, this beginning of another week to contemplate that you came for us and that we can trust in you. We fear human opinion almost more than we fear you. We respect and are persuaded by and moved by what people think of us more than what you declare over us or what you think of us. According to the proverbs, that is disabling and we’ve felt disabled by those things so many times, so often, some of us continually. And you're saying in your Word if we would trust you we would be protected from the disabling opinions of other people. Help us with that. Holy Spirit, help us with that. Help us to truly contemplate and consider this great mystery that you would come, God, that you would come out of infinity and enter into our story as one of us in order to rescue us from all of the disabling and debilitating things that life on our own brings us, that we might trust you as we were designed and created for. Come Holy Spirit, we pray in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

SONG played on today's DAB "The Promise" Michael W. Smith -

Tamarie 12/13/2015 09:03