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Daily Transcripts
Micah 5:1-7:20 ~ Revelation 7:1-17 ~ Psalm 135:1-21 ~ Proverbs 30:5-6

Today is the 16th of December. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian. It’s good to be here with you today. It’s great to be here with you here today, this chance to just step away from all that’s going on – busy season, lots of activity – step away for a second, center ourselves and allow God to occupy this space in our time in our lives as he speaks to us through his Word. We’re reading from The Message this week


Father, you are good. Every day as we take another step forward in your Word, we see you are always making a way. Yes, we have to collaborate in that way. Yes, you show us the way that leads to life, the path of righteousness and then we have to walk in it. And when we don’t, you are always building a bridge from where we are to where you are. You’re always coming for us. You’re always offering it to us. This is true throughout all of scripture. This has always been true and this is true now. And so, as we see your heart, your goodness, the way that you father us, that you are a good Father, that you are always making a way, we thank you because we need it. We constantly are in need of a path that is alongside you, that is with you, that is collaborating with you, that is intimate with you and we are so often trying to make our own way. So, forgive us Lord. Forgive us. We come back. We return. As the prophets of old constantly challenge the people just to come back, “come back to me,” we do. We come back and we center ourselves in this day and we invite your Holy Spirit to not only plant the words deep in our lives, but to allow them to manifest themselves in our lives this day in all that we do and all that we say. In all that’s going on, you are invited. So, come Holy Spirit, we pray. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Announcements is the website. It’s home base. It’s where you see what’s up in the community, what’ going on around here. It’s Christmastime. So the Daily Audio Bible Annual Christmas Box is available. We would say that, you know, probably tomorrow will be the last time I talk about it. We’re just about out of them and tomorrow is sort of the last day that we know we can get them to you for Christmas, if you are in the United States. If you’re international, that date passed a long time ago, a couple weeks ago. We’ll send them, but we’re kind of feeling like tomorrow would be the last day it will arrive in the United States for Christmas if that’s why you’re getting it. So definitely jump on that. Check on that at the Daily Audio Bible Shop. Christmas cards are still available as well if you’re sending those out.

And tomorrow will also be the cutoff date for your holiday greetings, your Christmas wishes that you can call in for the Daily Audio Bible family Christmas as we get to work putting all of that together. It’s a big job, but it’s beautiful. It’s like our annual Christmas party and it’s a lot of fun. It’s very moving. It’s beautiful. Really, that’s what it is – it’s beautiful. So if you haven’t had a chance to call in yet, (877) 942-4253 is the number to dial. That, of course, is the prayer request line. So the only thing I’m asking you to do is not make a prayer request and Christmas greeting in the same call. If you want to call in a Christmas greeting, then do that. If you also have a prayer request, then do that separate. And that will help us out a lot as we put this together. But we’ll say tomorrow is the last day, so here you are, those of you who procrastinate, wait to the last minute, just like a lot of people, which is totally fine. I’m just telling you, you’re here, this is it. If you’re going to get in, get in now.

The More Gathering for women is coming up this April 7 – 10 and we talk about that around Christmastime because we have early registration and it is a very unique, one-of-a-kind gift idea for the woman or women in your life that really could use something to look forward to and that something to look forward to is some SHALOM, some peace, to unplug from all of the obligations and just the craziness that life can be and just get away for a few days with some space, some silence, some time and a chance to feel their heart again and to meet a sisterhood – a sisterhood of women looking for the same thing. So, the More Gathering is all of that and so much more. So that is available. Check that out at

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible here in this season of giving, then thank you. Daily Audio Bible is community. What we do, we do together. Thank you for your partnership in the common mission that we share. If Daily Audio Bible is life-giving to you then thank you for giving it life so that we can continue servers spinning and microphones operating and scripture being read every day all around the world and offering it to anyone who will listen anytime, anywhere. So, thank you. There is a link. It’s in the upper right hand corner of the home page of If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment or Christmas greeting, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hallelujah. Hey everybody. Hello everybody from the Daily Audio Bible community. This is Richard M. from Montreal, Canada. My prayer for today, first of all, I would like to say thank you for your prayer support there, very much helping. I always want my lifting up my heart be to God. So it’s going better. I would like people to pray for my son, David, who is living with his mother. He’s going to be 24 on the 17th of December. And he has a special condition. He’s really very bright and he’s going to university. He’s very intelligent, but he’s living like in his own world. So, like is it a mental problem or is it like a spiritual problem? I don’t know. But I’ve been trying now to get back into trying to have a relationship with him and it’s been very difficult. He accepted me on Facebook and he made a request that he would wish that we could go together and you know laser fight. I don’t know, I’ve never been there but anything we can do, anything we can be together. It all starts back with reconciliation and relationships. Please pray for David. I would also like you to pray again for Isabel, who’s my ex-girlfriend. After the last time that we’ve met, she looked to me and she said that I should go on with my life. That’s what I’ve been doing also but I see that she’s afraid of her ex-husband who’s very much a controller. He made a complaint to the police about me that a year ago I would have made a sexual massage to her older daughter. It’s completely false, this is not true. And so he’s using manipulation and fear so I cannot have a relationship with the mother of the girl. So, please pray for Myo. She’s been married to this man for 19 years. She went to a women’s place because he wants to kill himself and suicide himself.

Hi my name is Christina. This is my first time calling. I have an aunt who is in ICU right now and everything is up in the air as to how she’s doing. She’s having problems breathing on her own. So, you know, they have the machines breathing for her right now. I’ve been listening to you guys since August and I have quickly grown close to the community. And I just, if you guys could give prayers. My family and my cousins could really use it. And I just appreciate your time. Thank you so much. Have a blessed day.

Good morning, my friends and family, Daily Audio Bible brothers and sisters! Hey this is Annette A. from Oklahoma City and by reproach from Mr. James out of California, yep, I’m still alive. I swear I probably am. So this is the time of year when you know, our country is at war, folks, and that comes along with a lot of work and a lot support for the people that are making sacrifices for us every day. I would love for you guys to keep in mind all the people, God only knows, that have to do the support work; but for those who are out on the front lines and won’t be home with their families this Christmas season. You all say a special prayer for those people and may everyone that they touch be given the gift of life from our Lord Jesus Christ. And I really want to say that I love you guys and you know I’ve been here a few years and made so many lifelong, beautiful friends. And I want to thank you guys for that and all is well. All is very, very well. Just swamped and busy. I love you all. Have a great day! Alright, bye-bye.

Hi. Good morning. I called in about a month ago for prayer to my daughter that her dad had died and in a week’s time, her grandmother, which is her dad’s mother, had died. And I called in for prayers and now I’m calling again. I just want to thank you for praying for her because she made it through the two funerals. She’s not over it yet, in a long shot, but I hope that you would continue praying for her. And now, yesterday, my mother has passed too. All of her grandparents are now deceased and I really covet your prayers. I ask that God would bless Brian and his family. And I like what he said this morning. He said with you there is mercy and unlimited forgiveness. So let us drink from the well of untouchable love. I just love this. I just want to thank you all that you can come together and pray in this group and be (you know) helpful and prayerful for each other. And may God’s mercy and grace will bless and rest and abide with all those that reach out and call upon his name sincerely. He will be there and he will bless and strengthen us as we go along this journey together. God be with all of you and bless you and thank you, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Good morning, this is my first time to call in; but for some reason this morning I felt compelled to tell my story. So, in May 2013, my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. And in August 2013, my daughter was born. And in December 2014, my son was born. And at that point, I made a commitment to myself that I was going to read the Bible every day so that I would know and be the person to nurture those babies and be able to teach them everything that they needed to know. And so, but that’s much harder than what you would think because the day gets away from you. And so, I have an hour commute each way from my home to my office and so I started looking for a podcast and I went through several that read through the Bible in a year. I stumbled across the Daily Audio Bible and it has been a life-changing experience for me. I look forward to going to work every day so that I can listen to all of the people around the world and their love of Jesus and their passion for Christ. And then I find myself throughout the day just praying for people that I’ve never met but that I feel that I love you guys and so connected. I just want you to know that you make such a difference in so many lives. So my prayer request today is for my dad. He’s had treatment for two and half years and he’s not doing well. And he’s my daddy. He’s my rock. I just need you to lift him up. I love you all.

Hi family, this is Debbie, the writer and filmmaker in southern Illinois and I usually call about our minister Craig, he is doing well, but this time I’m calling about myself. I called last year saying how difficult the Christmas season has been for me. I know you guys prayed. A special shout out to Sinner Redeemed. I was so touched by your message for me. And this year is different. There’s been a huge growth here for me. The Lord has brought strength and joy in ways that I was not expecting. And then it’s all carrying through this year. I am not depressed. I am joyful. Even though I am exponentially busier than I was this time last year, He is with me and I feel his presence every day in large part because of your prayers. So I thank you and I praise him and love you. Praying for you. Talk to you soon.

Tamarie 12/16/2015 08:56