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Daily Transcripts
Nahum 1:1-3:19 ~ Revelation 8:1-13 ~ Psalm 136:1-26 ~ Proverbs 30:7-9

Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. Today is December 17th. I’m Brian. It’s always great to be here with you every day, so that includes today. It's great to be here with you here today, taking another step forward in our long walk that we’ve taken through this year with only a handful of steps left before the end of the year and the conclusion of the Bible, but so much, so much left. So we are entering another book and, as you noticed, we do this sprint through a lot of letters in the New Testament and then we hit these books of minor prophesy in the Old Testament, so we’re kind of in a sprint the last month of the year and that is where we are now.

Introduction of a New Book (Old Testament)

Nahum is where we’ve landed today. You remember Jonah a few days ago? Jonah in the belly of the whale sent to prophesy to Ninevah? Nahum is another book of prophesy written to the city of Ninevah. This is 150 years later. So 150 years earlier, God sent Jonah to the city and when he delivered God's message Ninevah fell on its face and repented and they were spared. Now a century and a half later, they’ve returned to their wicked ways and are as bad if not worse than they ever were.

Ninevah was the capital city of the Great Assyrian Empire and its conquests were known to be very brutal. Again God sends a prophet to Ninevah, Nahum, preaching repentance and a return to God. The Ninevites didn’t listen this time and the prophesy of judgment came true in 625 BC with the total destruction of Ninevah and the falling of the Assyrian Empire.

This prophesy that we’re about to read shows that God is merciful and patient, but he is not a pushover and he will not stand for a nation's sin forever. This should spur us all on to be agents of change in our own countries and to be the catalyst for repentance and a return to our God.

So, reading from The Message, we read Nahum.


Father, we thank you for your Word. We thank you for its counsel, its challenge, its friendship, its ability to wrestle in and wrestle with all of the motivations of our hearts, its ability to cause us to sit and question and wrestle, its ability to challenge us to go deeper so that we are constantly being pulled forward toward you, toward your heart. We thank you for your Word and we do pray along with the proverb today. Banish lies from our lips and liars from our presence. Give us health. Give us enough to live on, neither too much nor too little, so that we may not be independent or arrogant or so that we might not stoop to steal and dishonor your name. You are our caretaker. You are our Father. Surely you are able to take care of your children and yet we doubt this constantly, but our doubt doesn’t make it any less true. It just brings us to a place of angst and worry and fretting that estranges us from you, but it doesn’t change the truth. You are God. You are good. As the psalm said, your love never quits and you love us. We love you back. You are a good god. You are a good father and we love you. We ask that you send your Holy Spirit upon us today, plant the words from the scriptures deep in our lives. Lead us into all truth. Illuminate our path ahead. Lead us deeper into Jesus we ask today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Announcements is the website. It’s home base. It’s where you find out what’s going on around here. These Christmas announcements I’ve been making for a couple of weeks, this is the last day I'm going to be making them so listen up.

The Daily Audio Bible Christmas Box is available, barely. It's about gone, but today is the cutoff day that we know that we can send things and they arrive for Christmas, so beyond today, not sure. Not sure at all that it will make it. But inside today, real sure that it will make it. If you're international, that doesn’t apply. If you're outside the United States, that window was a while ago, which isn’t to say you can’t order the Christmas Box. It is a fantastic bargain of the resources that we have and it’s wonderful. So you can, but it won't get there for Christmas. If you’re in the United States and order by today, it shouldn’t have a problem. So certainly do check it out at the Daily Audio Bible Shop at

Then the Daily Audio Bible Family Christmas, which is our annual Family Christmas Party, this beautiful rendering of the nativity story interspersed with all of these calls that we’ve been calling in, these Christmas greetings, holiday wishes for each other and to each other, today is the last day for that, too. So that number is (877) 942-4253, which happens to be the prayer line, so the only thing I ask is that you don’t call a Christmas greeting in and a prayer request combined in the same call. We just don’t have the capacity to edit all that so neither one of them will get there, get where they’re going. So if you have a prayer request, call it in. If you want to call in a holiday greeting, call it in separate, but today is the last day.

I should find my piece of paper with – oops! Thankfully nothing spilled. We’re good. We’re good. We’re all good here in the studio. Just dropped my water bottle, but it is one of my DAB Klean Kanteens. It is not going to spill. It's sealed.

Okay, so we have several numbers you can use to call in prayer requests or Christmas greetings – (877) 942-4253 is the primary number if you're in the United States or the Americas, but if you're in the UK or Europe, you can use 44-2036-088078 and if you are in Australia or that part of the world, 61-3-8820-5459 is the number you can call.

The More Gathering, our women's conference that we do each year is April 7-10 and the reason that I'm mentioning it now is it is early registration between now and the end of the year and so it makes for a wonderful, wonderful gift and it is a gift for the woman in your life. So we’ve been talking about that, but early registration and pricing will end at the end of this year, on December 31st, so certainly do check that out – or there is a banner for it at

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in this season of giving, then thank you. I profoundly and humbly thank you for being community. That's what we’ve done together. This Daily Audio Bible is us. It's what we’ve done together so thank you for being life-giving as we continue forward and prepare for another year in the scriptures. There is a link on the home page in the upper right-hand corner. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment or today a Christmas greeting, (877) 942-4253 is the number.

And that’s it for today. I’m Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here, tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Blessings and wonderful, beautiful day here in Carl Junction, MO. This is Chet Y. Hi family. This is my first time calling in with a prayer request even though I’ve been listening for years, probably a pride thing. Lord, forgive me for that. I'm calling for prayer for myself this time. I have been dealing with lust issues. My diabetes has got me in pain on a regular basis and it is causing problems with me and my wife, who I love dearly. Just briefly, if you folks can pray for me for healing and restoration, for me to make the right decisions, and for me to just love my wife like I love Jesus and how Jesus loves me. That is really what I want. That is my heart. I really could use your prayer. I know prayer works, especially with this community, so I just want to thank you for your prayers. I want to tell you I love you and that may you all be blessed. Have a great day. Bye.

Hi family. This is MB from NJ and I just have a special prayer request for my grandchildren this week. RL is 14 and tried to kill herself this week. Her brother, AC, also struggles with anxiety. And my other grandson, JT, he struggles with anxiety and depression. And I just want to lift up as well the mother who called in about her 13-year-old that was recently in the hospital with suicidal ideation and all of those that are calling in with depression and anxiety issues. I just pray for our young people. Our country is under attack, Lord, and I just pray that you would protect these children and you would give them hope, that you would give them a desire to live and a desire to know and to seek you. I just pray, Lord, your hand of protection about them. And I pray for all those that are struggling with anxiety and depression and I just pray, Lord, that you would give them hope, Lord, that they would find joy and peace in you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Good morning Daily Audio Bible family. This is Becky in Orlando. Hey, today I just listened to the reading of the Word and then the prayer requests and the praise reports. Rick from Massachusetts, you are such a gifted orator of the Word. Boy oh boy, do I wish that I knew somebody like you back in Massachusetts when I used to live there. That's where I was born and raised and if I had known somebody like you, I would have been a Christian far sooner than I ever was. I'm so thankful for all of our friends from Massachusetts. I pray for all of you. Rebecca from Michigan, wow! What an amazing testimony you have. It is amazing because I’ve known you now for five years, even though we’ve never met, four or five years, ever since you started listening to the Daily Audio Bible. You have a very difficult story, but I'm praising God because he's walked through all of this with you and he's carried you. Thank the Lord. Asia, it's been so amazing to hear from you again. Welcome back to our community. I pray that you are getting some rest with your little baby, bundle of joy. I'm praying for the baby without the skull. My goodness, that was a touching story. So many of your stories do make me tear up while I'm heading into work, but I'm praying along with you guys and I love you very much. I also tear up with you when I hear all the praise reports too, so I am a very emotional person. I love all of you very much and I will be praying for you. Alright, bye guys.

Hi family. This is Biola from Maryland. I hope you're all doing well. Brian and Jill, God bless you. Jill, I already started praying for the women's conference and I pray for every woman that desires to come, that God would provide for their needs, in Jesus’ name. And I pray that the Holy Spirit will move, the anointing of God will shine through every person, every worker that you have helping you in this ministry. Sister from Iowa, I'm praying for favor for your husband regarding that difficult boss. I'm praying that God would give him wisdom when he is interacting with his boss, he will know what to say, how to say it, what to refrain from saying, how to carry out his duties. I pray that he would trust God regarding this situation and his heart will be at peace, in the name of Jesus. There is nothing God cannot do. Thank God for favor. Sister who called in about her 13-year-old daughter, I prayed for you. I'm praying that God would touch your daughter and wrap her in his arms in a special way. I bind every suicidal thought and take them captive, in the name of Jesus. That God would have mercy upon her, give her peace and calm her heart, in the name of Jesus. Sister, I declare that your daughter shall live. She will not die for the praise and glory of God. Robin from New York, I'm praying for little Jude. I'm praying that God who formed him in his mother's womb will touch him and make him whole. There is nothing that our God cannot do. He is a god that specializes in impossibilities. I pray that Jude's little skull will form, his spinal cord will be healed, and Jude will be for signs and wonders, in the name of Jesus. And I'm praying that God would give you a peace and calm and calm your hearts in this situation, in Jesus’ name. Raphael, I did pray for you. I'm giving you a shout-out on the line. I pray that God will protect his work of healing in your body, in the name of Jesus. Family, I'm praying for my son Daniel in college. He will be taking his final exams for his sophomore year next week. I pray that God would touch him, God would give him total recall, in the name of Jesus, and he will pass __________.

Good evening DAB friends, Mark S. in Sydney Australia. I have a praise report and some prayer. My praise report is that God once again has answered your and my prayer. I rang last week telling you that I felt very under attack and finding it hard to cope. I asked everyone to please pray for me. So last week work was stressful but it could have been a lot worse. To elaborate, God had inspired a coworker to speak out at a meeting I missed. She told him I was overworked. He agreed that I could not sustain the current workload. He has now agreed to let me work from home during this busy period, saving me at least two hours commuting time, so to all of you who prayed for me, God has listened, praise be his mighty name. Now please pray for my parents, Lynn and John. They have lost their way. My mom has no personal relationship with God and is becoming very angry, bitter, and twisted. My dad has also lost faith. He thinks his life was so bad that he's not worthy of going to heaven. He thinks he is going to hell. My sister Karen and myself just discussed that we need to get God back in their lives. I told my sister that I had ordered the DAB Christmas Box and God has put it on my heart to take my parents through the Reframe message. Please pray for Lynn and John and when I get the resources that the Reframe message will sink into their hearts. My DAB family, I cannot express in word how much God's love I feel from this community and I cannot also express in words how grateful I am for this community. Nana Jones, thanks for mentioning me. I'm feeling your love. Mark S. from Sydney Australia.

Please, please, please pray for me. I need the Lord's guidance. I need the Lord's help. I need the Lord's healing. Please pray for me. This is Scott from West Valley City, UT. Thank you very much. I love everything that you guys are doing. God bless all of you. Thank you.

Tamarie 12/17/2015 08:59