Hello all. I've just today found the DAB.
I have been divorced almost two years now. Despite my best efforts, I could not save my marriage. After 12 years of marriage, my ex-wife told me she "wanted to have sex with other men" and "not be a full-time mom anymore."
I am now a single father with primary custody of two little girls. I wouldn't change it for the world, but there are a lot of pitfalls for single, divorced parents. I've done right by my girls, but personally I've made nearly every mistake in the book. I almost remarried just to avoid being alone. I got tattoos. I bought a new house I could not afford, just to have to sell it quickly.
I eventually found a divorce group (www.divorcecare.org), which is church-based. This has set me on the right track. Unfortunately, the classes have ended. So . . . long story short, what I'm looking for is to continue to build my support group.
It's funny, but I lost essentially all my friends in my divorce.
In many ways, my divorce has led me to really evaluate my spiritual life (or lack of). I've realized that God (not a marriage, work, etc) has to be at the center of your life. Because anything besides God can vanish at a moment's notice. But God is always there. God is our foundation.
So, I look forward to meeting and growing with like-minded individuals here as I improve myself and raise my kids to be the best that they can be.