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Daily Transcripts
Zechariah 9:1-17 ~ Revelation 17:1-18 ~ Psalm 145:1-21 ~ Proverbs 30:32

Today is the 26th day of December. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It's great to be here with you the day after Christmas. What are you doing? Relaxing? Or are you shopping and taking advantage of after Christmas sales? Whatever you're doing, just step away. Step into some peace, some order, some serenity as we allow the scriptures to come into our lives for the day. This is the last day of the week, so we’ve been reading from the Modern English Version all week. That's what we’ll do today.


So we move our way out of the Christmas season, and we’re still in it, but we’re moving now toward New Year's and beginning to think what the new year is supposed to look like and along comes this proverb: If you’ve been foolish in propping yourself up, posing, inflating yourself, or if you’ve thought evil, then put your hand over your mouth.

There has probably been plenty of that going on over the last few days as we get back together with people we haven’t seen in a long time, family from out of town, so here comes the Bible like right in the thick of it saying, “hey, rather than condemning, let me just give you some instruction. Clap your hand over your mouth.”

Stop yourself, in other words. Don’t do that. It's not going to go anywhere good and certainly don’t step into the new year with this falseness about you where you are constantly having to inflate yourself. That is foolish. You have permission to be who you are and your identity isn’t bestowed upon you by other people. It is bestowed on you from above. You don’t have to pose. You don’t have to present this image of yourself that you’d like to be true. You only have to reflect the image of your Creator in you. It's actually freeing because it takes the pressure off.

We’re constantly trying to compare ourselves to how well we’re doing against or in comparison to other people around us and then getting our value from that when it makes us look foolish. It makes us think evil and we have to stop it. We have to put our hand over our mouth before we say something we shouldn’t say, chomp down on those words that we would have spoken, and invite the Holy Spirit in to bestow identity. We don’t have to live like that.

So as we turn the corner and head toward the new year, let's continue to remember that everything that we’re setting as goals for ourselves, the best way to achieve them isn’t to start January 1st. It is to start now. The best way to succeed at something out in the future is to finish what you're doing now well.


Heavenly Father, we invite you into this. It's been a busy last couple of days and for good reason. We are rejoicing. We have waited. We have longed. We have entered into this story of the people longing and desperate for God to arrive, desperate for a Savior and you came. The whole world rejoices. We continue to rejoice. But now we’re also longing for your presence in our lives and your return again. So we set ourselves facing forward, inviting your Holy Spirit to guide our steps and show us what it means to finish well. Show us what finishing this year well would look like in our story so that we can begin anew strong. Come, Holy Spirit, make us healthy, we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Announcements is the website. It is home base. It is where you find out what is going on around here.

Yeah, so we’re turning toward the new year. I guess one thing that I should remind you of is when the new year comes, the old year passes away and it is true of the Daily Audio Bible. When the new year comes, the old year, it is archived. So what that usually does is create a small amount of havoc for a small amount of people who are trying to catch up or are behind or whatever. So the suggestion is just make sure that you download the episodes that you don’t have.

We’re going to work this year, it's going to be a bit of work, but we’re going to try to keep the last week of December for a week on the feed so that those of you who are just a little bit behind, you can grab those. Then they will go away. Usually we like to just start fresh because there are so many thousands of people that are just coming into contact with this community and starting fresh so it makes it easier. But we’re going to see about this. We’re going to try this, this one year. In the past we’ve kind of made some of the previous days available in the Store. Of course, the Daily Audio Bible for 2015 will be available January 1st at the Daily Audio Bible Store as are all of the years that we’ve been at this, so just a little bit of a head's up.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at There is a link. It is on the home page in the upper right-hand corner. Thank you, those of you who have partnered this year and if you want to do that before the end of the year so that you can have the benefit of a charitable contribution, then thank you profoundly, humbly for allowing us to move this community forward into the new year. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And we talked about the More Gathering coming up in April as a wonderful gift choice, and so many of you made that gift choice. Early registration runs through the end of the year - through December 31st and then it will just go to standard so check it out. Be sure to check it out. – if you register early, you’ll save yourself $50. We’ve worked so hard on this conference over the years to just trim and be efficient and be good stewards and make it affordable. I just don’t know where else you can go to get away and have your food served to you and it be actually good food and have good accommodations and unbelievable nature – all of your room and board and supplies and teaching and companionship and nature and beauty – yeah, I mean, we’ve done our very, very best. Check it out:

As always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

That's it for today. I'm Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hello family. This is Candace from Oregon. I want to pray together, so please join me. Lord, I want to bring before you, along with my brothers and sisters, the people who are really desperate. Some of them have called. I know of one man that called. I know of some teenagers that others have called on their behalf. Lord, would you come to them? You are the shepherd that is described in Luke 15 and Matthew 18 who can just leave those 99 sheep who are doing just fine and go to that one who is out on the cliff and bring them back into safety, Lord. Thank you so much for your great grace and love. You're faithful and true even when we’re not. Thank you, Lord, for your tender care and for just how much you treasure us. We love you back, Lord. We love you back. Oh, you are the best thing that ever happened to any one of us and we love you so much. Thank you for all that you're doing. Bless your people, Lord. Bring in new people too. Thank you, in Jesus’ name.

Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is Rowdy calling from Phoenix. I just wanted to call to testify. Some friends that I’ve been calling about and asking you to pray for for a long, long time have finally found some redemption and God has seen fit to solve that problem and now they are just looking for them to make a way and show them the new path that the Lord would have them walk. So keep my friends Matthew and Cassandra in your prayers. I did want to testify on God's work helping them find their new way. Thank you, family. Bye.

Hi, this is Tommie in Montana. I'm just calling for Scott in West Valley, UT. And you sounded so desperate in your call. And I am praying for you. I just want you to know that the cavalry is coming because I'm sure everyone is praying for you and even under the worst of times, never forget that everything is temporary except for God. He is so big and so eternal and this life, our whole lives are temporary. I think about that so often, that this life almost doesn’t seem real to me when things are bad. I try to focus on the eternal and it does make everything…puts everything into the real perspective. But just know that you are being prayed for and God loves you and cling to him.

Hi, good afternoon. This is Lisa in Macon, GA. I called a prayer request in a few weeks ago. It seems like months now, but asking for prayers. My husband and I were beginning to become foster parents __________ and actually we’re first-time parents period, and so I'm a month in now and God has been faithful. I prayed a lot, of course, about these kids that are in my home and the situation that they’re in which is just tragic, and I'm praying for them, for quick re-unification with their family. The parents are trying to get their house cleaned up so that they can bring the kids back home and I'm praying for that. But Lord, I also need the Lord to help me as I deal with these kids. Obviously, they understandably have a lot of anger because of the situation they’re in through no fault of their own and lots of acting out. And I think the little boy that is in our house is on the autism scale, though it has not been diagnosed so I'm asking for prayer, that you all would help me pray for me to be able to find the resources to get him tested and get him the help that he needs because I just can’t connect with him and get breakthrough and get him to really respond to stuff. And he's not sleeping. That's causing us to not sleep which makes for a very grumpy household. So if you all would please pray for us, I would great appreciate it. This has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life and the most joy-filled thing that I’ve ever done in my life at the same time, so it is an amazing calling that God has given me, but man, it's tough, so I covet your prayers. Thank you.

Hello dear family. It’s Margie from Oregon calling and you know I’ve been so impressed by those of you who have come up with a name for yourselves that isn’t your given name as you find your identity in our Lord and Savior. My name is Margaret which means pearl. I don’t particularly care for Margaret and so I go by Margie, but I think that I would like to be thought of as a pearl of the Lord because you know how pearls are made. There is all that friction and the waves and over time a pearl becomes a beautiful jewel. I’ve certainly had in this last year a lot of things that have happened in my life that have, boy, tossed and turned me in the waves and there have been struggles and turmoil and I called once, I think, to ask you to pray for my daughter and the DAB friends have been praying for our daughter and our family. My husband has had issues with his heart. He had to have a wonderful bypass surgery this year. I have a 9-year-old grandson who needs lots of love and prayers and he's just going through a lot of turmoil with the changes in his life as his mom and sister moved here after being in domestic abuse. And oh, I could just go on and on and on, but you all have been such a strength and support. I really, really thank you for that. I thank the Lord for even troubles and struggles, because of his love, that we can all grow and change and be jewels in his crown. What a blessing that is. So today I just would like to let you know how grateful I am and say thank you, from a Pearl of the Lord in Oregon.

Hi Daily Audio Bible. This is Kelly from Pennsylvania. I'm calling today. I called a little bit ago saying that my mom was going into surgery for a mastectomy for breast cancer they had just found. I'm calling for more prayer because the reports came back that there was more cancer than they thought and it was kind of aggressive and today we’re praying that she can start chemo. It is kind of a weird prayer to pray that she can start it today, but if she doesn’t start today she’ll start Christmas Eve. It will be 12 weeks of chemo and I'm getting married in 15 weeks, so it's a little weird, it's stressful, it's hard. So pray for her health, her healing. I do believe that God is healing her. Also, I want to pray for my cousin Bethany, Bethany from Mongolia who recently got sick. She is really sick and she lives with us and I'm just praying for her healing, for complete and total healing so that while mom goes through chemo, we won't worry about the sickness being in the house. And also for her because she has never been so sick, that she just feel better, completely better as soon as possible. I’ve been listening and praying along for all of you. My prayers and thoughts this holiday season, especially for those of you for whom Christmas is difficult. Lots of love to you all. Kelly from Pennsylvania. Bye-bye.

Tamarie 12/26/2015 11:11