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Daily Transcripts
Zechariah 12:1-13:9 ~ Revelation 19:1-21 ~ Psalm 147:1-20 ~ Proverbs 31:1-7

Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. Today is December 28th. I’m Brian. It's great to be here with you, last four days of the year. Like we really are at that sprint. The finish line is like right there and we’re moving toward it. Looking forward to these days with you as we move toward the conclusion of the Bible. We’re reading from the New Life Version this week.


I love what the psalm said today. “He sends his Word to the earth and his Word runs fast.” It's my prayer that as a community here in some small way we’ve participated in that. That he sends his Word to the earth and his Word runs fast, that what we’ve been doing here all year and for the last decade is sending his Word to the earth and his Word runs fast, that in staying faithful to this, somehow we’ve been able to participate.

You can participate. Invite those that you care most about, that you love the deepest into a relationship with the daily rhythm of the scripture, which can be the Daily Audio Bible. It can be this community, certainly, of course, but that is not a plug for the Daily Audio Bible. If you just want to get into the rhythm with those that you love some other way, do it. If you’ve been here all year and you’ve allowed the rhythm of the scripture to be in your life, then you know. You're far enough into this. We’re 3 days away from the end of the Bible. You know what making the Bible the rhythm of your life does. It is not like this magic thing, right? Everything doesn’t just vanish, but your orientation to everything does shift and change over time and there is like this dome over us where it is like we feel not like we’re invincible, not that we don’t have to face life and our choices and their consequences, but that we aren’t alone and we are being guided and it changes everything.

So we’ve created a couple of things that you can use to share. There is a new Daily Audio Bible video that is floating out there on the internet right now. You can grab it and share it. Just go to Daily Audio Bible's Facebook page, or go to and you can download it, play it in your church, play it for your small group, play it in your Sunday School, show it to friends, share it. Invite those that are in your sphere of influence, those that you care about to enter into a daily relationship with the Bible in some form or fashion, in some way. I believe what this psalm says. “God sends his Word to the earth and his Word runs fast.” Encourage those that you love in some way to interact with the Bible because when we interact with the Bible, we are hearing from God. This is God's Word. We’re hearing from God. Man, the more people that we can somehow provide a context for God to speak to through his Word, then we are being the hands and feet of Jesus, then we are fulfilling our mission as a community here.


Father, thank you for your Word. Thank you for what it has been in our lives this year. Thank you for all that you are doing and have yet to do. Thank you for sending your Word. Thank you for allowing it to run fast in our lives and in this world. We open ourselves to receive from you what remains in this year. We’re not done. It's not time to check out. It's time to press into all that you have left to say to us through your Word. So come, Holy Spirit, we pray, and plant the words of the scriptures deep in our lives, transforming us. We ask in Jesus’ name, amen.

Announcements is the website. It is where you find out what is going on around here. Man, what's going on around here is we’re rolling into a new platform and what it essentially will look like to most people is “wow, they got a new website.” Or “wow, the website looks a little different.” But the underlying technology involved has taken a year to build, over a year, and sets us up for the future.

The long and short is that we got into this project, knowing it was going to be big, but not knowing how big it was going to be, but it was like the only way to go where we’re dreaming of going is to free our data and control our database so that we can hook to it any way we want and have total control over it. So that was like simple in concept but massive in implementation, but we are finally rolling into that, putting all of the big chunks and little pieces in place. So much development that we’ve done and tested and tested and tested and tested and there was one other thing we tested earlier this year – the Global Bible Read, which we’ve taken all of the knowledge and gone back to the table and furthered in development.

It's just crazy when you continue to try to be forward looking and go, “what if we this?” “What if we that?” and realizing that what you're talking about is something that hasn’t really been done, not quite the way that you're talking about and then you go, “well, we’ve got to invent it.” The Lord seems to continue to lead us with those ideas and in that direction, so off we go into some new territory. So the website is kind of going to be looking different and settling in, but it should be actually vastly, I mean vastly more intuitive and vastly more attractive, no matter what device you're using it on and vastly more stable and quick because we can completely control it. So it should be intuitive. It shouldn’t be like you go and it looks different and you don’t know what is going on and whatever it is you are used to doing you can’t figure out. That shouldn’t happen. But anyway, pray for us as we continue to put the pieces in place.

If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible before this year is out so that we can give you a charitable contribution receipt for your taxes for 2015, I cannot possibly thank you enough. Literally there is no way for the Daily Audio Bible to exist outside of the fact that we are a community and we are in this together. There is no big organization behind this. There is no big church or large ministry or something else. I’ve said in years gone by and maybe I’ve said it this year, but the truth still remains, the Daily Audio Bible is something that rose up from the dust of the internet and became a living thing and became a community and has marched forward as a community since almost it started. So thank you for partnering and supporting your community. If this is a community and you feel like you're a part of it and it brings life to you, then, as I’ve said before, thank you for bringing life back to it. This is how the servers keep spinning and the Word gets sent to the world and the Word runs fast for whatever part in that we are. Thank you for your partnership. There is a link. It is on the home page. It is in the upper right-hand corner. If you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.

And the women's conference, the More Gathering for woman is a conference we put on every year for women, April 7-10, and we talked about it during Christmas. I mention it now because early registration will end at midnight on the 31st of December. Just heads up. If you were kind of like, “yeah, I do think I want to go to that,” you’ll want to take advantage of that. If you have not yet, now would be the time. After the midnight hour of December 31st, as we turn into the New Year, we go to general registration, so if you want to take advantage of early registration, check it out:

As always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.

That's it for today. I'm Brian. I love you. I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.

Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports

Hello, my DAB family. It's Mark S. from Sydney, Australia. I'm calling a praise report in again. To all the family members that don’t feel their messages are getting played, as long as you follow the guidelines of a clear audio, I'm sure your message will get played. The DAB team has played all my praise and prayer requests faithfully. The requests may not be coming in sequence or __________, but they do get played. My dear family members, I finally started listening to the prayer and praise requests back in about August after listening to the podcast for almost a year and a half. Listening to the praise and prayer requests has become just as important as listening to the daily reading. Becoming a part of the God filled community is what God wants. Now for the praise. The insertion of my prayers has been miraculously timed, even if they are 2 weeks later. My prayer requests get played either to remind me to keep praying or to remind me to do something. The played prayer request becomes the answered prayer. For example, my prayer request a week ago for my parents came in about Thursday the 17th of December. This reminded me to go and speak to my mom which I did on Friday. Another example, I rang about a week and a half ago saying I was having anger issues with my boss and I asked the community to pray for me and my boss. Well, this was played Saturday, the 19th of December. The anger was starting to well up inside me again. The message came at a perfect time to remind me I had no right to judge. God's timing is perfect for us. I pray that we all have the patience to wait for his answers. God always answers his people. I still have many things I'm waiting for, but as a perfect Father, he will only give them to us if they don’t hurt us. Love you all, my family. Mark S. from Sydney, Australia.

G’day, Dabbers. It's Richard from Albury-Wodonga coming out of your speakers once again. I just wanted to ring up and give an update of sorts and a praise report, well, I'm saying it is a praise report. So my wife and I have been foster carers for just over 8 years. We’ve been looking out for 5 young boys and their names are William, David, Justin, Dillon and Tyson. They have been in our family home. William is 11 and David and 10. Justin, Dillon and Tyson came to us basically from birth so they only know us as mom and dad. They were taken from us after I did something very bad. I lost my temper with David and I pushed him, but as with most sin, in fact, all sin, I'm forgiven by Christ and hopefully you guys can find it in your hearts to forgive me. There was no malice in it. I simply in the spur of the moment lost my temper after dealing with him for 40 minutes. The reason I'm calling in today is to ask for your help in praying for these boys. If you would pray for them, that you would pray that God's justice would be done in this situation, that the authority that God has put in place would restore my family, would do God's work in the restoration of my family and that they would see the truth, that the truth will be that my wife and I truly and deeply care for these children and we want them back. Please also pray for patience for me and my wife as God moves in this situation. Thank you.

Good morning, family. This is Biola from Maryland. I hope you're all doing well. Brian and Jill, as always, God bless you. Jill, thanking God for the More Conference, that God will give us more of him, women will desire more of him, in the name of Jesus. Scott, I heard your prayer request. The psalmist says that I cried unto the Lord with my voice and he heard me out of his holy hill. Brother, as you are crying out to God, the Lord is hearing you and I pray in the name of Jesus that whatever you need help with he will bring help across your way. He will bring people across your way to favor you, to help you, to lift up your head, in the name of Jesus. He is the glory and the lifter of your head. Sister from NJ, I heard your prayer request about your grandbabies. I pray that the Lord will give them calm and peace, in the name of Jesus. I come against every spirit of anxiety and depression that is bothering them, in Jesus’ name, especially your 14-year-old grandbaby. I pray in the name of Jesus against that spirit of suicide over her, in the name of Jesus. I pray that they will all live and not die, God will give them hope, in the name of Jesus. Carol from Canada, I heard your prayer about your dad. I'm praying in the name of Jesus that God will indeed draw your dad to him. Every question in his heart that he has, our God doesn’t mind us asking him questions, that God will answer those questions, in the name of Jesus, and that your dad will be at peace, he’ll be calm, in the name of Jesus. Sue, I'm praying for Darryl, your husband, that God will heal him completely from that Bell's palsy. The Lord has done it for several people and he is not a respecter of persons. He is able to heal your husband and I agree with you, in the name of Jesus. Sister from Colorado, I'm praying for you. Hold fast to your profession of faith and hope without wavering because our God is faithful as promised. I pray that Ephesians 4:32 will be __________ in your life and God would draw you and your husband closer to him. Lastly, Nicole from North Carolina, I'm praying that God would comfort you and __________, that he would help you to understand your son better as he communicates with you and you would continue to be a great mom to him. God bless you.

Daily Audio Bible, I'm calling today to my family there to request prayers for my son and his family who are in distress, dysfunction, and turmoil. I know the benefits of your prayers, so please keep them for they are desperately in need. Amen.

Father, you gave us a complete suit of armor to wear. You also told us that each man would have his own cross that he would have to bear. Help me to put it on and to wear it well each day so I can’t blame you, Father, if I find myself losing battles along the way. Things I see, think, hear, smell and taste can’t only be counterproductive but downright self-destructive if they’re not holy and chaste. The helmet of salvation keeps me under the blood, especially when the enemy tries to come in like a flood. And my treacherous heart is the seat and root of all desire which sometimes burns and consumes me just like an out of control fire, but the breastplate of righteousness covers that quite well and gives me a very personal and profound sense of inner peace that I want to show as well as tell. And I do go and share that good news about God's gospel and peace and as my work for the kingdom continues to increase, my feet are covered with nothing but the good news. Even though I still have problems and concerns, I'm not consumed by the blues. I don’t worry or fret about what tomorrow may bring. I just stand on the promises and God's praises I sing. My loins are firmly girded with a large belt of truth because sexual sins are very prevalent, especially among the youth. And before any joining or coupling is begun, one must be sure that one really understands the truth that two do become one. And that large shield of faith, Lord, help me to grip it tight and hold it high so I can quench all the fiery darts and missiles of the wicked one including…

Good morning. My name is Eileen. I'm calling to request prayer for my son Robert who is facing many challenges, some legal, some emotional, mental illness and we are in the throes of it at the moment this Christmas week, so I ask you all if you could please hold him in prayer, God's will be done, so that I should know that he's being held up and whatever happens is God's will. I thank you. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Yeah, hi. This is Troy from Florida. I'm a first-time caller. I’ve been listening now for a few months. I'm married with 3 children, happily married for 17 years now, but we’ve gone through our rough patches and we’re going through a rough patch now and our family needs prayer. There are many different things I can name, but obviously we don’t have much time. The main thing is my health. I'm young, in my 30s, but I'm battling through some health concerns and still can’t figure out what is going on exactly. But I’ve been battling since June and it is affecting my wife. It is affecting my children. So I just ask that you pray, in Jesus’ name, that he’d heal me. I thank you. I’ll call again as I listen and learn more about everyone in the community. God bless you all. Amen.

Tamarie 12/28/2015 12:54