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Craig from Illinois 11/04/2009 10:14
I was thinking of you yesterday and today and the MP3 Player mission. Then you go and post an update! Coincedence? I think not!

What are your goals, deadlines and prayers? I would like to help.
Chris 11/04/2009 17:32
Thanks Craig,
You're a total encouragement to me!
Well, the first initial goal is to get 10 into their hands by Thanksgiving so they have them over the holidays.
I've already downloaded most of the year of DABK so I'll finish that up this week.
Total cost to make this happen is $250 for the first $10 ($25 apiece - $20 for the player itself and $5 for the headphones) I've had a couple of people at work approach me saying they want to contribute. I'm going to create an informational website for it this week and then get the link into as many peoples hands as possible and take it from there.

So my main prayers are that
1. These 10 get into the hands of the exact 10 God wants to have them
2. Am able to make it happen by Thanksgiving
3. Every child that gets it will use it and receive comfort from the Holy Spirit
4. Supernatural Healings
5. Finances to get the ball rolling
6. Establishment this as an ongoing, permanent, and ever-increasing ministry that can be modeled and reproduced elsewhere

Love ya man and thanks again!!
I'll keep you posted
Craig from Illinois 11/05/2009 23:01
Make sure you send me the link once you set up a web site.

Yesterday I sensed a deep urging to pray about this project again. Through many daydreams and grand ideas, I again prayed for God's leading and the opening of doors. There are many ministries and opportunities to have DAB MP3 players supplement their work. But I was getting a strong sense that my visions were not matching up to where God wanted me to go next.

Many details, DAB podcasts and prayer time later, a name came to me that I had not considered before. In Pontiac, IL, (30 miles east of my hometown) there is a ministry called the Caring Pregnancy Center. Here is the web site...

Immediately it became obvious that God was leading in the right direction. (From the web site mission statement) The Caring Pregnancy Center endeavors to meet the needs of families and individuals in areas related to sexual abstinence, pregnancy, parenting and post abortion. The CPC is a ministry of Jesus Christ with a commitment to the sanctity of human life.

The paid staff are Christian women. They are at the front lines of this crisis and are building relationships with these struggling women. They will be able to discern the Lords leading for when the DAB will effectively find the ready heart. I'm not in a position of authority, trust and relationship with the clients. But I can support those who are!

I did some quick research on the ministry's web site. When I opened the "staff" link, I discovered that two of the three staff members are from my hometown! I took that as the "clear signal" I asked God to give me if this was His will and not my own grand ideas.

I made the trip to Pontiac today as some time opened up for me this afternoon. I met with Theresa on the staff and she was receptive but cautious. One of the best questions was "Is this 'Brian guy' a Christian?"

She made a good point by saying "anyone can just read the Bible and record it". In short, I told her "yes he is a Christian and it will not take very long for you to know how pure his heart is for God".

I have a meeting next week with the director and the other staff counselor to explain some more details and teach them about podcasts, MP3 players, the web site and our DAB community. Also, they want to review the DAB content before they start giving away MP3 players. I thought that was very wise and something I had not considered. Did you have to convince the hospital administrators that the DAB podcasts are not offensive?

Let this be something to continue in prayer. Let's also bless each other by building each other up with encouragement. That's what you do for me too Chris.

Craig from Illinois 11/05/2009 23:28
One more thing Chris.... As I was driving to Pontiac, a thought came to me. In response to raising money for the Exodus Cry project, Brian said in another thread "Either way, we're doing this because it seems that God is leading us to do it so if I have to deliver pizza and write the check myself we'll be rescuing women and children.

Like so many typical American families, my family accumulates STUFF! So I am going to get into my basement, attic and closets and start selling. I never had much of a motivation to do it before, but now I do.

In our mens forum, we are discussing "scaling back" with our finances. Brian is talking about rescuing women and children. You're giving MP3 players to children and I to women. I had pizza too nights in a row.... LOL

I can only describe it as union with the Holy Spirit - praying it will continue!
Chris 11/08/2009 01:10
Sorry I haven't responded earlier Craig. It's been one busy weekend. This is incredible stuff that you've posted here. I love it!!

Keep on keeping on brother. You have a special place in my prayers and I will continue to lift you, your family, and your ministry ideas up to the Lord. I am excited to see what He will do next through you and all of us here.
Blessings man!
DJ-from Illinois 11/09/2009 02:13
I’ve been awake for hours trying to forget about this thread in the forum, and I can’t. So I’m now writing this to gain clarity—and get it out of my head, so I can go to sleep! Does that happen to anyone else?

I believe in this mp3 ministry idea and reading these posts in the forums highlights compassion as well as hearts for evangelism. And I’m touched by the dedication to share the DAB with others. I know there’s been some conversation about how to best load the mp3 with DAB—specifically with some of the logistical stuff. Meaning, someone who receives the mp3 player, preloaded with the first 3 months, wasn’t on the internet searching looking for an “online Bible” –or whatever key word you typed into iTunes when you found it. They may not really know what’s just been handed them, and may be confused with “old news” etc…

So, I’ve got an idea. I suggest that those of you who are loading these mp3 players make bookend podcasts of your own. These short 1-3 minute podcasts should be geared to a new user, who has been handed a mp3 player from someone with whom knows something about them (ie from a counselor) or about their situation (a patient in a hospital).

Here’s my suggestion of what should go into the introductory podcast:

1) Welcome the new user…
”If you’re listening to this, you have been given an mp3 player from ____________(a counselor, pastor, etc…).

2) Explain what’s on the player
• “This mp3 player is loaded with files from the Daily Audio Bible, that can also be downloaded for free at iTunes.
• “While only the Jan-March 2009 files fit on this player, the DAB is a actually a community of individuals who listen to the same scriptures read by Brian Harden every day.
• “Therefore, this is why in some podcasts you’ll hear Brian talk about news or timely issues, that may or may not apply now.

3) Introduce yourself as a LOCAL listener of the DAB—give your testimony as to how the DAB has impacted you, and why/how you are involved with the mp3 ministry.

4) Give encouragement
• “I don’t know what it is that you’re going through right now, or what your experience is with God, but I encourage you to listen to the podcasts on this mp3 player—I believe that God will meet you where you are, and surround you with his love. Listening will change your life for the better. Give it try!

And then the last podcast could include:

1) Congratulations
• “Congratulations, so you’ve listened to 3 months of the DAB!
2) What to do next,
• “You could listen to more of the podcasts through your computer
• “Hook your mp3 player up to a computer, delete the first 3 months, go to iTunes and download the next months
• “Get someone else to help you load the next 3 months onto your player
• “Pay it forward… consider passing this mp3 player on to someone else who may need it.
• “Return your mp3 player to the individual who gave it to you, so they can put it in the hands of someone else who may benefit.

I’ve thought about maybe asking Brian to record these podcasts so that we could put them as the first file on our preloaded mp3’s, and he would probably do it. However, I think it might be more powerful for the new listener to know that someone local put the mp3 player together specifically for them. It is also a testament to the power of the Christian community.

It may also help the new listener to see that Brian is not a random guy, who was paid for his amazing voice to read the Bible. What we are offering is free (and I don’t just mean the podcasts!:) We’re a community, experiencing the same scriptures on the same day and we not only inter-act with one another, but we also “act” on the what we are learning from the scriptures that God has placed on our hearts.

If you’ve never made a podcast before, its not as bad as you think. We wouldn’t expect yours to be anything close to the quality of the DAB podcasts. All you need is a microphone, and audio recording software (Like Audacity or Garage Band.) Here’s a link to explain some of the basics.

I’m interested in what you think about this idea and I look forward to the discussion here!

Craig from Illinois 11/09/2009 18:13
I have been telling my story to a few select counselors who are the position to give the DAB to those broken and ready to hear it. It's possible that the counselors will explain to their client who provided the MP3 player and why. I agree that it may have more of an impact if they also hear my voice and my story first hand - in a personalized podcast.

I agree with the intent of the "introductory podcast". I have always felt that if you were going to hand someone a Bible, then it should come with a relationship too. Explaining how and why you got to this podcast is an excellent idea.

I hope you get some sleep tonight!
Chris 11/11/2009 08:24
Hi DJ,
That's some good info and suggestions! I especially appreciate the "how to" stuff on podcasting and will definitely go through that tutorial.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and ideas, I now intend to include an intro and an ending on the MP3 Players I distribute.

Thanks again and please don't hold back if you have more ideas!
Rick Brady 11/27/2009 21:10
Any updates on the DAB MP3 project? I was thinking about using it with our Adopt-a-Family project here.
Craig from Illinois 11/27/2009 21:39
Brady, tell me about the A-A-F project.

I ordered 3 more MP3 players without any preconceived plans on who will receive them. My wife and I have started to Ebay some things from our closets to raise funds for this project and Chris's too.

From limited experience, the right situation seems to arise for a DAB MP3 giveaway when I get the devices here and prepared. Pray, listen and wait.
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